Can someone from MA help me understand why Deval Patrick isn’t at all in this conversation?
Can someone from MA help me understand why Deval Patrick isn’t at all in this conversation?
This article also does an impressively shitty job of explaining this goddamn mess
If you think men have only been raised by women for 2 generations... I’ve got some troubling news about biology/history for you.
“that’s not how ______ works.” Is pretty much exactly how the DJT admin decides how things work. It’s like that comcast commercial with the grandmas “that’s not how it works. that’s not how any of this works!” all live long ever.
I mean she hasn’t yet met that moment in regards to the 2000 election.
yup, especially being from safely blue ones. and the fact that it started with a guy who was bernie or bust BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN HAPPENED and he was just assuming he’d be an unneccessary vote for the obvious choice Clinton. these self righteous dolts are seriously pissing me off.
this whole shit started because democratic electors thought they could win the conscience of ‘moderate republican’ electors.
No, they mocked the idea of voter fraud. Not election fraud.
It’s kind of insane that it’s the failsafe that created the fucking reason it needs to be used in the first place.
Say Hi to Ro Khanna. He’s going to be your face of the Young Reps for a while.
You’re right. They did. And the best they could do is TIM FUCKING RYAN WHO IS NOT THE PROGRESSIVE DREAMBOAT YOU ARE TREATING HIM LIKE. I don’t know why the ACTUALLY progressive Dems in the House of Reps decided NOT to throw their hat in the ring but that doesn’t make TIM RYAN a progressive. I like the guy but ffs.
Probably because the VA is going voucher system in a Trump Admin. Basically a whole bunch of the institutions that we like to bitch about are going to be catastrophically smashed to bits til everything is done out-of-house (because apparently that’s “small government”, contracting things out to other people.)
I really thought a segment of the DNC convention should have been dedicated to contractors he stiffed. The ads of these people - you can see them vividly ffs. It would have spoken to many 2nd gen spawn of immigrants who make up a big chunk of the ‘white working class’ that talks big about what they found on…
Pretty much. The best solution to the Trump phenomena was to just not give him attention. The media pretty much botched the easiest tool they had, the cameras, by pouncing on every time he breathed into a fucking microphone. They didn’t have the guts to do it then, they wont now.
Oh sweet morman baby jesus yes.
Trump really left no Bush behind in his tire-tracks. See: Billy. The lowest common Bush denominator.
This so fucking hard. There’s a serious correlation between the behavior patterns in sports fandom and the trump phenomena, in addition to the way Republicans are pretty much pitted at Dems like it’s the superbowl regardless of how policies will effect them or general facts. No, the Democrats are not totally…
At the very least it could lead to an audit of the state’s Election Day count too - which would really investigate wtf is going on here.
U.S. Bonds are the real sign of the state of the economy (as it effects non-investors), and they’re being called left and right.