Easy there trigglypuff.
Easy there trigglypuff.
Attacking veterans is what is going to get trump elected.
You do realize this website is owned by Univision now.
is this what Univision instructed you to write about ?
And no one discussed personal responsibility.
Well without your espoused “depression” how would we know you really care ?
Because not everyone is a cuckholding metro sexual seeking approval from whiny, lesbianic institutional feminists.
Feminism is a cancer practiced by whiny, lesbianic institutional women looking to hide from the truth that they cannot have it both ways.
Trigglypuff please, stating what your race is to preface your point does not validate or invalidate your take if you are right to begin with.
Megan es engañoso para fingir que escribe artículos de investigación honesta con respecto a la violación, cuando su empleador Univision ignora la violación, la corrupción y los capos del cartel de asesinatos y violaciones por décadas en México.
Dice el hack periodista contratado por Univision.
Dice el hack periodista contratado por Univision.
Probablemente realizada en México y ahora promovido en Univisions sitio web.
Probablemente realizada en México y ahora promovido en Univisions sitio web.
I can see by the article and subsequent responses that omarosa has become a threat to effeminate cuck progressive males in that she, as a woman, is distinctly telling these snow flakes that there is life beyond gargantuan trigglypuff transgender instruction.
But you do realize trump is your president right?
Sure, you tell overexcited trigglypuff it was just some Bernie bros swooning over Ursain Bolt, trading possible cuck holding stories while lamenting the male flight attendants schedule does not chronologically coincide with their layover.
I don’t really care that she’s black, I see an American winning gold.
Literally no one gives a shit, seriously.
Thank god this site is being sold at auction
Only cucks have cats, effeminate cucks listen to them anthropomorphic ally speaking...
Because the other half are trying to fuck their way to the top?