
I saved that from.your post the other day! I wouldn't really call myself a buff, but I do enjoy it. Knowing history is important, and as I've discovered, the history I learned in school was woefully incomplete. I went to a tiny Christian school so everything was taught through that lens, and a ton was left out.

I took my wife to the er for severe abdominal pain ( seemed like her appendix) and waited for hours. She's white, but transgender. After about 4 hours and the entire waiting room emptying and refilling twice, we went to see what was taking so long. Turns out she had been completely taken out of the queue. The nurse

Omg my little ponys are agony to step on. My daughter has (what seems like) hundreds of the little things. She doesn't leave them lying around anymore thank heavens.

I feel this in my soul! My poor youngest daughter is also always finding her older brother’s toys with her feet. One of these days she’s going to kill him in his sleep over it.

I have a couple pairs of thermal tights that are super cute. I love them when it gets cold. I’m in Florida and while it doesn’t get too cold too often, it really sucks when it does since we aren’t used to it. This winter has been a mess. We were getting into the 40s in Nov and that never happens. It’s been way colder

I sent some of the videos you sent me to a friend and she wanted me to thank you and she loved them. 

Nah, wouldn't want those beautiful animals to get sick from his toxic ass. Blast him into space without a suit maybe?

I'm disabled and do not get much physical activity, my wife works a physical job and often has to do a lot of heavy lifting, pulling, walking, etc. Pre transition she kicked my ass if I tried to wrestle her. She could hold me down with one hand and I wouldn't be able to budge. Now, I'm the physically stronger one, and

I can only provide anecodotal evidence, which doesn't mean much, but my wife has shrunk 3 inches since she started her transition two years ago. She started at 6ft, she's now 5'9". Her feet have also shrunk, as have her hands. It's been fascinating to watch this all in real time. I could go on for days about the

If Michael hosted, I might actually care to watch. Those shows are dull as fuck.

Now you gotta post a pic. Edit out your face if you like, but this I gotta see.

I’m sorry your wife went through that. No one has had the balls to question my wife and I when we are out together, but she has gotten the occasional bigot asshole that will call her “it” or hurl slurs at her when she is at work. It’s no one’s damn business, and going out of your way to be a dick to someone because

Did you read your own article, or just look at the headline and run with it? The claim you made isn’t in there, and on top of that, it makes a point to say that hand-wringing over trans athletes in nonsense.

Trans athletes have been allowed to compete in the Olympics since 2003. A whole 0 have actually qualified to do so. The meds trans women especially take, do a number on their bodies. I've watched my wife go through it in real time, and let me tell you, more happens than you may think.  They don't have the advantages

Screw their “hurt feelings”. They’ve all treated Meghan like shit from the start. Good on Harry for putting his wife first. 

Yep. I’m a disabled, gay white woman. While that comes with challenges, there are still things I’ll never have to deal with. I can go about my day without ever thinking about my skin color, because it has never had to mean anything to me.

Thanks for even more wonderful recommendations. If either of you or anyone has anymore send them my way please!

Thanks for the recommendations!

It's ridiculous. They have been getting super butthurt over those of us in the LGBTQ community calling him out too. Apparently we are supposed to fall all over ourselves and kiss his ass because he's gay, even though he would happily sell us out in a moment.

Good for them! They’ve been put through hell by the royal family and the press. I had a feeling this was coming. Harry has never seemed to care for being a royal, and seeing how his wife has been treated must have been the last straw. I hope they can have some peace now. Though I doubt the press will ever let up, they