
I drench my turkey in fresh orange juice and butter and baste it regularly. It comes out very juicy. It's delicious.

My hero!

Hell take away the meth and the white boys will still do it. I have plenty of stories.

I didn't really know most of my extended family growing up. I've gotten closer to.some of them thanks to Facebook and for that, I'm thankful. A bunch of them reached out when my wife came out to let us know they had our backs, which shocked me. I also have a pretty great chosen family, and I consider myself lucky to

I barely know most of my cousins. They lived on the other side of the country from me and a bunch of them are either much older, or much younger. I don’t even know the names of some of them. My mom’s family is not close and my dad’s siblings didn’t have kids. I’ve started getting closer to some of my cousins thanks to

Can they bring back the original proud family while they are at it? It's not on there as of right now, or at least I can't find it.

I totally understand. I wouldn’t be able to do that shit either. Keep being the incredible badass you are!

A tragedy is right! 36 years were stolen from them over lies. No amount of apologies, or even money can give that time back to these men and their families. I'm glad they are free now, but I shouldn't have to be. They shouldn't have ever been in prison to begin with. 

You should apply to write for the site. They are looking for writers. Quite a few of us think you would be great!

I'm look for new turkey recipes to try if anyone has any! I usually do a citrus herb turkey and while my family loves it, I'm dying to do something different (and I have a hard time hand squeezing the oranges and I refuse to use non fresh squeezed juice)

Don't feel bad, I recognized it too.

I second third and fourth this!

This is absolutely ridiculous. While it doesn’t sound like much, it adds up to a lot really fast. Especially when you consider how little they earn to begin with, and they also have to pay for things they need in many cases. Plus the prison is getting these books for free to start with. 

Write a book! I know I'm not alone in saying I will pre-order that shit! 

Really? I don't follow any of this, but I absolutely love his voice and this is really upsetting to hear.

Why would anyone want to go to a white cookout? They really aren’t good.

This is fantastic! 

While I may find her actions questionable, I know what it’s like to stay with an abuser and pretend everything is ok. Being with a person like that fucks you up. 

Or you could talk to the person who actually called you out. Nothing she said defended this bullshit. She calls this crap out all the damn time. If she doesn’t live in one of these states, there isn’t a whole lot she can do but use her voice. What are you doing besides attacking people for no damn reason?

You do know drdonna is trans right? This is pretty fucking personal to her. I doubt she’s twiddling her thumbs doing nothing. Attacking her isn’t all that helpful. She didn’t defend anything about this shit.