
I do take some comfort in one thing in this whole clusterfuck. Even some of his staffers were disgusted by his comments and have been outing him in the media as making these types of statements regularly.

It's not about hiding it. Not everyone wants to share their personal business like that, celebrity or not, nor should they feel like they have to because of political climate or what have you. From the sounds of it, based on how I read it ( and I could be wrong) he is sharing his status because he feels he has to

It sucks that he felt the need to have to come out with this. I understand why he decided to do so, but none of us should have to feel that weight. Trump has so many of us in the LGBTQ (and every other marginalized community) in a stranglehold that we can't sit quietly and hope for the best.

As someone else with chronic pain, I'm sorry you have to deal with that added stress. 

I had to read the article to see what was even wrong with it. Her hair is neater than all the other kids. She looks good! 

You have such a beautiful way with words

That's a gut punch to read.

Same. I remember at 11 taking the trash barrels down to the road and being screamed at by a car full of men. I ran back to the house so scared. At my brother's wedding ( also 11) I heard about all the adult men making comments on my body and leering. At 13 being approached by an older man for nude photos. At 15 being

I live in a townhouse, but the numbers are impossible to see from the road so I do the same.

For one, if a guy, young or old, wants long hair it’s his head. He is hurting no one. What they said was inexcusable. If it isn’t your hair, or your child’s hair, you have no say.

Aren’t you white? I don’t really think you get to determine what the appropriate level of outrage, or appropriate consequences as a white person are, just as I don't as I am also white. It's not our place.

Why, when white people do blackface, does it always look like they smeared actual feces on themselves? Are they advertising they have shit for brains? You'd have to to do something so stupid.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. For those of us with any kind of cultural awareness, it wouldn't mean much and that is due to white privilege, but last year around Halloween I very much remember the MAGAts screaming about white face costumes (vampires and the like) in retaliation for conversations about blackface

Some of the ladies my mom used to work with used to do the same thing in the early to mid 90s. She was a crossing guard in NH and they worked for the police Dept. Some of the areas they were in sucked and people just didn't care. They'd buy black hair dryers and cut the cords off. It worked!

Here's the thing though, the schools have to have room. If they don't, they don't have to accept students from outside districts. My son qualifys for a state thing here called "McKay scholarship" due to his special needs. If his school isn't adequate, I can move him out of district, and it will even help pay for


Take your star sir

Wrong. There are many sex workers doing so because they enjoy it. I’ve known quite a few, and I was one once. If my marriage ended, I’d go right back to it before anything else.

This is already available in my state (FL) and I used it a few months ago for a UTI and I was so fucking happy I had the option. Wayyy cheaper than a visit to my Dr and so much more convenient.

The second those customers of color started getting anything less than compliant, your white bosses woulda wanted the cops involved I'm betting. Your story about the bitch wanting cash for $500 worth of skin care without a receipt makes me see red. Let me guess, it was all opened and shit too right?