
Downloaded thanks!!!

He has probably added in some heroin for good measure. They really like mixing their uppers and downers up there. Been to enough parties back home to see it in real time. Don't touch the pot. 

Ya, I did. Less/fewer still trips me up at times. Thanks for the correction.

We appreciate you!

Same! I have Twitter, I just don't use it.  Rooo's reposts here are amazing and deeply appreciated. 

Good way to get your name out there and showcase your makeup skills. My page is makeup stuff, but it's just for fun.

Which is why I haven't taken any of them up on it

No doubt

Wow....that's freaky. 

Inquiring minds need to know!

Wow, I don't even have the words for how awful that would be. 

You really aren't kidding about everyone being an influencer either. My account has less than 300 followers and I've been hit up by small websites offering me partnerships. No big brands or anything like that, but it just seems silly. I don't even post very often. I see ads all over me feed begging for influencers

I have so many questions about this story you have shared. For starters, why did your sister set the sock drawer on fire?

Not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off when I saw the video. Hasn't there been a deadly heat wave up there? I'm in Florida so it's always hot as hell here. If that's the case and it has been as hot as I've heard, I'd have been saying thank you! Getting your egos that bruised over some water is truly sad. Water drys, but

Same! I moved to Florida in 2009 and just went back to visit in March after being gone for 10 years. It was so trippy seeing how much had changed, and how much hadn't. We did stop by the Mall of NH for a bit one of the days we were there. I used to be a mall rat as a teen and that was my mall of choice so being back

I am not sure there is an appropriate gif that can capture the look of horror on my face at reading that....

Manchester or Salem?

Quit taking the racist troll out of the greys

Please please please let this happen. I would love to be able to finally get off opiods and actually be able to afford to do so. Getting a card in my state is too damn expensive for me 😫

My youngest loves Daniel tiger, but it just isn't the same for me.