That would be epic!
That would be epic!
What the fuck? I can't understand this reaction by the teachers at all. Why would you see a noose and want to take a smiling picture with it?!?! How is any black child at that school not supposed to take that as a threat? I sure as hell would. If they think this is ok, I shudder to think of how the children entrusted…
I’m actually really into how all this would be done given how it has been talked about to much. I’m all for it. It’s long over due. My question is, would they give the money to each and every black person who is not an immigrant, or would they only dole it out to historically black institutions like HBCUs? Would…
While the science of gender is still in it’s infancy, they have seen that the brains of trans people more resembles that of the gender they identify as than their assigned sex at birth. They are finding this from an early age. That does not apply to someone who wishes to identify as another race. So, science has…
Right? Those times are always the absolute worst!
To compete at the gender you identify as for someone transitioning to female, there are requirements for hormones for at least a year as there should be. Before that year, yes it would be unfair. For someone transitioning to make, those requirements typically do not exist because they still won't have an edge even…
Jesus fucking Christ that man has no business making fun of anyone. He looks like a damn troll.
I didn’t say parents did I? Nope. My parents and I are just fine tyvm. Nor did I say they were ashamed. Who is being snotty and sanctimonious now?
There's a reason I say you need to do more research. As with most medications, side effects happen. For a trans woman transitioning after puberty who did not take pubery blockers, they are having a second puberty during a time the body is not meant to have it. That shit hurts. Those changes take years. Plus the…
Boo hoo someone on the internet thinks I'm snotty. Or maybe I'm tired of having to defend my partners very existence on a day to day basis. From people like you. In my own fucking family. Every single day. So ya I'm snotty. and I'll keep being snotty to asshats like you. Idgaf.
Um no. Per your own source Joanna Harper, muscle mass and bone density decrease through transtion. May want to research some more. Here’s one link to start you off.
👏👏👏👏 don't know who she think died and made her queen
Fuck off terf.
This. It really gets under my skin. I'm a lesbian. My wife is trans. These bitches have done so much harm to so many communities.
🤦🤦🤦🤦. No, just no. Trans women competing in sports do not have an advantage due to their birth gender. Do some research on what medications trans women take and what those medication do to their bodies. Trans athletes have been permitted to compete in the Olympics for several years now. It's a non issue. Educate…
Lmfao are you high? That’s seriously not how any of this works. Please provide some evidence to this utterly ridiculous claim you’ve made. I’m dying to see it.
Terfs can fuck off straight to hell. My wife isn't a threat to a single damn person. She's as much a woman as I am. She fights for trans rights and woman's rights.
I love the new parent look. The look of pure love, joy, wonder, and amazement. I wish them all the very best. They've dealt with a ton of shit from the racists and her family.
This is beautiful! What an amazing gift to give that family.
As I understand it, they already are working in doing so