I don’t see it. Formula E is cool as a novelty but that lasts about 3 laps. Then you’re just stuck with slow cars driven by people who washed out of other racing series circling the track.
I don’t see it. Formula E is cool as a novelty but that lasts about 3 laps. Then you’re just stuck with slow cars driven by people who washed out of other racing series circling the track.
The beauty and elegance of using quarter system is to be able write like this 6 ¾ instead of this 6.75. Bentley you really messed up big time.
Guess what? Strangers’ germs won’t hurt your baby...at least, not any more than your own germs—and I’m guessing you touch, kiss, and cuddle your baby hundreds of times a day. Over-protecting children from ordinary microorganisms may reduce the ability of the child’s immune system to develop properly and is correlated…
I’ve lived through the transition from wagons to minivans to SUVs and it goes basically like this:
Bringing Kylo’s helmet back was a pure spite move. I love/hate how petty it is.
Maybe they figured this would be like when the first major airlines started charging for checked baggage and on-board meals. All the other airlines rushed in to join in the “fee” frenzy. Passengers grumbled, but we paid, and we got used to the new “normal”.
“What does F1 need to do to improve its racing?”
- What u mean? Whats wrong?
“Ah, it should have close racing, more winners, flat out racing... like Indycar, BTCC, V8SC, Formula 2, Formula-e, MotoGP”
- But why dont u go and watch Indycar, BTCC, V8SC, F2 instead?
“Ah because its F1. Its the greatest! Its the best. Its my…
Maybe not lottery, more just ensure each driver has to race each car once.
I like your idea, but allow me to add a few refinements:
The Volt remains the only GM vehicle I've seriously considered buying. I would throw money at a Colorado with a Voltec powertrain, and I think a lot of other people and businesses would as well.
All F1 cars to have non-syncro 3 on the tree gear boxes with HUGE spaces between the ratios, none of which are quite right for powering out of a corner.
To be fair a lot of that could either be evidence of a collision or evidence of it being a hand-made Italian car from the 1970s, which is sort of like being in a collision.
Stories like this are why I’ve tried to get less judgmental over the years when it comes to cars. No matter what car is out there, likely someone treasures it and considers it their pride and joy.
I love paying 70+ dollars (plus a monthly fee) to have the privilege of paying full price for year-old games that will—AT BEST—have mild amounts of noticeable input latency.
What’s the point of this article? It literally brings nothing new to the conversation.
The difference is Abrams has proven he understands what makes Star Wars special. Johnson labored under the incorrect and arrogant delusion that there was something about Star Wars that needed fixing. Star Wars doesn’t need to be ‘fixed’ because it was fucking great to begin with. Johnson could have done TLJ in a more…
I’m okay with never leaving the sofa.
No splitter guards? Ewwwww!
ugh... anyone that ranks last jedi that high is hard to pay attention to...