
Yeah, I don’t think the film was any great shakes, and Phillips is an ass, but it did obviously resonate and not in the way the smug shitlibs thought it would. It’s not the only, best or most eloquent film about the alienation of shit jobs and failing systems, but it is a film about shit jobs and failing systems that

Has recognitions appeared yet to advise us all on why we need to firebomb this movie?

I don’t care if he’s a jerk, nothing short of Kevin Spacey is going to be a “lateral move” if you’re replacing Hammer-ball the cannibal.

A lot of posters are quite clearly still salty about how there weren’t any clown-themed mass shootings after the first one.

I have read that infamous profile on him and it was clear that the writer had it out for him. Lots of running commentary rather than direct quotes. Of course the dummies will reference it because, well, they're dummies.

Can someone link something that shows why Miles Teller is a mega douche? I’ve honestly never read anything about him that screamed douche, but I rarely read celebrity gossip so if it’s out there, I’ve probably missed it.

The only tears and crying are in laughter over your incredibly pointless and deflecting responses. You have literally not offered one substantive rebuttal of anything I’ve said.

Good lord, savage! Randy Savage, elbow off the top rope!!!

“I feel like I just ran into Lena Dunham in the bathroom at a gay bar.”

Is there no gay man at the AV Club who could write an article about queer casting in the only movie my gay ass has been excited about since 1997? I feel like I just ran into Lena Dunham in the bathroom at a gay bar. Artie could be the love child of Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriweather and he still wouldn’t be as

There was plenty of Doakes to go around.

Shuuuuut theeee fuuuuuuuck up. Are you living in a different fucking universe? Do you know what is going on outside of what Conservative news tells you?

Isn’t it great how everyone knows what a clown you are?

Lol sure you’re not an Incel wearing a rainbow T-shirt

It’s like performance art.

I don’t know where you’re getting this idea that I’m a conservative. Technically speaking, I’m on the left, just not “The Left,” the group I think most liberals are a little embarrassed by.

Said 30 comments being posts of Helen maybe I’m not upset about something as meaningless as that and more mocking you for being a virtue waving online version of Helen?

“Scary” isn’t the adjective I’d use.

Sure. I get that you have no idea of nuance or context, and that you just want to virtue signal. Pretty sure the context was “I feel bad for wanting her back in the suit now” which means: