
You're pretending you don't know what literally means so you can continue to engage in rape apologism. So you're preferring to appear stupid instead of not be a rape apologist. Think on that.


All you’ve done is throw a tantrum here for over 2 days. Fear of the MeToo movement causes many rapists to panic, freak out and get helplessly aggressive.

No you’re literally trolling in reality and it all matters to you hence you keep replying. But here's an opinion - your temper tantrum is because you don't like seeing rapists called out cus you're scared it could happen to you too.

You're still a troll or rape apologist or both and nothing can change that.

You are a troll or rape apologist or both.

Incorrect on both counts. David Twattenborough above being a troll was the reason. Also you are pretending you don’t understand power disparities so you can be a rape apologist.

Don’t pretend you aren’t aware of the reason for “believe women” is because of the power disparities. That’s more rape apologism. You’re actually trying to invoke the murder of Emmett Till here, you’re fucking gross.

Glad you agree then.

Failing to be a rape apologist is good yes.

Im terrible at supporting rapist

A bona fide fact would mean conclusive proof of a crime that is known to be incredibly difficult to prove as the stats for rape convictions and prosecutions show.

I’ve already answered both of those points. Obviously you can ignore them if you like, after all no one has said you aren’t allowed to despite your first reply to me pretending otherwise.

Kavanaugh is undoubtedly a rapist but there were literal hearings where he was questioned and he still was confirmed. Reade OTOH was subject to about every single “untrustworthy”, “crazy”, “not morally pure” rape apologists trope in the book. It’s genuinely scary to me that some people can rightly understand the

And of course that process of gathering facts and info and the outcome of such is infallible which is why we don’t have the rapist Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

1. There isn’t like one place everyone who believes women hangs out. 2. Pointing out a rapist is the most powerful person on Earth is important and it’s surprising to see it ignored or mocked.

Ah so you mean a majority of US voters the press they listen to and other politicians. Interesting way to frame that as most of rest of the world very convincing use of hyperbole there. 

So like no has said you’re not allowed to. And you’ve done global surveys and the matter as well. Wow.

Have you been told you're not allowed to do that? Wow.

No worries. I accept you conceding.