
This has always felt inevitable to me. It might be in ten years' time, it might be twenty, but I'll tell my grandkids you could spend your entire life on the internet anonymous, and they'll look at me like I was a cowboy in the Wild West.

it's $30. that's a nice price for launch, so you may as well get it now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Subscription? That would be a huge mark against this game for me.

Why would anyone pay a subscription to play a team based shooter? If anything it should just be buy to play like most pc games.

HP/MP restored! But you're still hungry.

Strange, I'm 37 and kissing is still very much a thing.

37 here, and still going strong with the lips and tongue. :P

We ran it last night. There is definitely a learning curve for how to tackle the random selection of players. We also had to work out a pecking order for who would pick up the relic when teleported. Some of us had never gone through the gates before. It probably took 15-20 minutes for everyone to be comfortable

Married now, met in college, so it helps little now, and hopefully never again in the future with any luck, but thanks anyway! I guess she went through some weird "is he really the one?" Crisis because someone at her work out the idea in her head.... And the rest is history. It definitely worked out for the best in

As you and I both know, TWC has a monopoly in NYC, and in many areas of Manhattan, you can't get any other ISPs. Which makes their upcoming Comcast merger all the more terrifying. With net neutrality up in the air, TWC gets my vote too.

Internet, please. Time Warner Cable. Make it so.