
I was sooo excited for FFXIV, bought the original collectors edition and everything (almost bought FFXIII just for the special item promo they had going). I was in the Beta and everything and for some crazy reason I thought that the beta wouldn’t be the release copy.


I think the thing that bothers me most is that things like Junkrat’s trap are supposed to slow him down and stop him, but his dash melee attack does so much damage that it actually kills the trap if he passes over it

Stealth play + co-op.

... uh.. sure, but other countries aren’t actually making the anime?

Nov 1st or in that region of time wouldn’t be so far fetched, I think that’s actually in the cool-down period between Season 1 and Season 2 isn’t it?

There is a Japan in the series, but he doesn’t show up very often. It’s probably though because Japan doesn’t like stereotypes of their own culture and the show is all about stereotypes. Not to mention World War 2 is not a particularly pleasant memory for most Japanese people.

I think people find her new shield a bit more difficult to deal with, because before you could trick her into popping it and then she’d be vulnerable for a while, now it works more like Reinhardt’s shield.

Niantic feeds upon the hate, absorbing it like a big sponge, soon they will grow larger enough and Statepuff downtown San Francisco.

Ha ha ha ha ha... nope.

I’m calling Bullshit on this one, just because I don’t believe that the CP on an Articuno would be that low for a level 21 trainer, considering an Arcanine on a level 21 trainer, almost fully maxed would be almost 1800.

Since you’re obligated as the only non-Final Fantasy XIV player... maybe it’s time to start playing Final Fantasy XIV.

Why in the world would someone pay $1,300 for a leaked copy of a game off eBay when the game comes out in a week? I’m not a space sim type person and am not particularly interested in the game but lets be honest.

The game is intended for us sunlight starved shut-ins, it’s penalizing you for being an over-achiever obviously.

I think more likely it’ll get a resurgence when Plus comes out. If we compare it to Ingress, it’ll have waxing and waning interest most likely.

Business Owner or Manager with aspirations of climbing to the top?

In a way it’s actually a nerf. You see a lot of plays where McCree manages to take down two people with Fan the Hammer by swiveling before those last few shots go off when the first person goes down. The speed increase means the damage goes out quick, but it reduces the opportunity for these added kills, but it

That’s the thing, it’s supposed to be played with a synced wearable, just they haven’t put out their Pokemon Go Plus accessory yet. It definitely feels like they pushed the game out the door, I mean they even said at SDCC that the game is only 10% of what they want.

Real trolling getting your friends involved, level that Gym up to 10, 9 Magikarps and 2k+ Gyrados at the end.