
That’s my point, Roadhog has a bad time :D I’ll sometimes ride over with Lucio just to use the knockback if I can lob him into a pit or something.

From an average WoW player to all the “I’m going to die without my legacy servers”.

If it’s a tough decision and something is popular, why do you can an entire studio and just close down an entire element of your company? Board of Directors infighting, possibly? HMMM

Rule #1 of Roadhog: Never grab D’va, Winston or Reinhardt unless you want to have a bad time.

Hard to be original when you’re like what.. 15 games in.

I think this is perhaps the first Call of Duty I’m actually interested in. Course I haven’t really enjoyed any of the competitive FPS games since Battlefield 2142, so I might be a little biased

Personally I think the issue is that Steam allows people to review a game that isn’t even officially released yet (I mean I know that’s how reviews usually work in the professional world, but these aren’t reviews by professional people either).

If it ends up with Time Warner adopting Charter’s business habits as opposed to the other way around, this would actually be an improvement. Still couldn’t be worse then if Time Warner and Comcast had actually succeeded in merging.

Every time I hear DeNA mentioned, I get a cold chill in my spine. Having played many of their mobile games, they are representative of everything that is wrong with the mobile market right now.

You can consent, but without written and signed contract by both parties, consent without contract is the equivalent of declaring your trademark as void and allowing the product to be open source.

It’s not idiotic and it’s not just an American thing. If a enterprise or even a person, lays down a precedent for allowing something (ie: If they acknowledged the server existed and continued to ignore it), then if legal actions occurred (say for instance the Private server started charging membership), the company


It feels like most of the comments in this thread are totally missing the overall point, especially the ones defending him or trying to justify his actions. Sure the guy has a negative opinion on suicide, I agree with his opinion personally (as someone who’s also suffered depression on the verge of suicide due to the

I’m pretty much totally disappointed with the state of the game currently. The beginning experience is so much fun, but then you hit end game and you hit this wall of content that is the equivalent of watching paint dry. If you have even a reasonable amount of equipment and skill, you can plow through hard mode

This is just the first time someone’s made a video of it. The idea has been around for a long time, it’s not as effective as this video makes it seem, people who’ve been playing for a while will generally be smarter about how they move around when they know a Symmetra is on the team, much more so when there’s two or

I just don’t understand how people cannot understand how basic business works. There’s so many people in the thread saying that Blizzard deserves getting DDOS’d for shutting down that server.

The Trump Mansion knew you were not a Second Life Resident and expelled you back to your native land. Bully on the Trump Mansion, we SLers don’t need you non-SLers coming in and stealing our jobs!

They don’t sell out in minutes, they sell out in seconds.

For the first letter: The reality is that if you’re going to make a life wasting stupid decision about your youth, it’s in your early 20s. Gawd please do not listen to the suggestions to dump her and find someone else for basically the chance to bone a few other girls.

Can’t say I’m surprised to be honest. The PC versions of Final Fantasy games have always been a back-burner sorta thing.