
When I first read about this via twitter I was like “hey, this might be cool” then I looked at the Kickstarter and saw “rogue like” and “hardcore” which are massive red flags in game development nowadays (or at least should be).

Well officially speaking the game is 3 years old, we’re just getting it now.

It’s a troll. The game can be a little grindy at points, but it’s you have to expect that from a Korean based game, otherwise it’s pretty fun. I’m a little worried about end game, I’m guessing it has none, but we’ll see.

When you can’t decide on what genre is the most popular at the moment, BE ALL OF THEM

Not every game is made for every person, so there’s always going to be haters. People just need to dial back the enthusiasm/hate, it just gets ridiculous some times.

Because of the way that The Beginner’s Guide is written there’s no way that Wreden could possibly talk about it without basically ruining the game. 90% of it is wondering exactly what is going on in the story.

Oh man, in the gif it looks like you’re about to cry when you cross the finish line.

I think this game looks super bad-ass honestly :D

Awesome, thank you!

WTB: Video breakdown for those of us who can’t really watch videos right now D:


I don’t think that Valve can even hope to ever release Half Life 3 at this point. There’s like no way that the game can ever possibly live up to the expectation anymore.

The make-up work on that Ahri statue looks like she has two black eyes.

The only reason companies make such a big deal out of discussing salary is that they don’t want people knowing that the new personal assistant is making $7 more an hour then the person who’s been with the company for 5 years.

I’m kind of sitting in that boat of “do I want to download and play right now” because I’m actually more worried that playing Legion currently would cause me to do something crazy like.... play WoW again for real.

Pretty sure if you’re going to back door, it’s best to:

I’m aware, but it is a subscription based software that promotes it’s purchasers to break the policies of the game in question. So yes, it doesn’t stand up in court, however it is still ripe for satire.

Blizzard sues company for making money off a 3rd party software that’s against the Terms of Service.

K/D Ratio is the worst thing about team games. Nothing destroys teamwork faster then a bunch of numbers people can throw in your face if they want to blame you for the failure of the team.