Better smack talk
Better smack talk
Buy expansions so I can complete of annoying tasks for a special banner that everyone will be using to show off?
I thought it was more the issue where I try to solo queue and end up with Team Rocket and we’re matched against the frigging Justice League... every god damn time I queue.
Seems stable, I’m still pretty terrible, now I’m just a few ms slower at being terrible.
I never really understood all the rage over Dinklebot in the first place. I mean sure, it wasn’t the most enthusiastic voice job or scripting in the world, but the outrage over it has been the equivalent of finding out someone’s daily profession is punching kittens. It’s weird and a little disturbing in both cases.
I don’t suppose if we purchase The Taken King, we’re going to get all the expansions in between. If there’s enough changes I might actually go back and give it another shot.
Not to be down on Blizzard, but this is kind of how they’ve been when developing new games lately. They start with something that’s pretty much ultra conservative, draw in a bunch of players, then continually amp the insanity on the game until it’s wildly unbalanced.
I can understand pirating a game if it doesn’t have a demo, just to give it a trial run, but if you can’t part with a small coffee for a game that you regularly play and enjoy, whether made by an indy company or a big name company, that’s just shameful and rather sad.
First World Whiner Problems
Don’t have to do the rezz mechanic though for Fenix. Just his passive switches him between Zealot and Dragoon each time he dies. Could have him something like Murky/Lost Vikings. He’s worth 0.5 kills if he dies as a Zealot, then when he goes through natural respawn he comes back as a Dragoon. It’d be a neat Champ…
Just gotta say... those Last Airbender references on Kharazim’s basic skin and the Jade Dragon skin, third color palate.
The only way to fix that is a surrender option. You’re never going to be able to “fix” people leaving in a competitive match. People will bitch and moan much harshly about joining a losing ranked game in progress then what you hear currently about people losing.
While I realize that longer punishments tend to cause people to quit games, 15 minutes for leaving a match doesn’t seem like a terrible thing. I really feel punishment for quitters should be 30 minutes+ in all games like this.
The Butcher was designed to specifically counter tank types, he’s not particularly strong against other Assassins. I mean pretty much any Assassin will really hurt someone if you jump them properly. Just gotta play prevention, don’t let him get Fresh Meat stacks or when he starts getting too many, focus him.
It’s kind of crazy how much we underestimate the power of the technology that is so prevalent in our society nowadays. I mean it’s so rare to find someone without a smart phone and a crazy percent of those people can’t seem to think of it as more then JUST a phone.
Whenever I speak with a mechanic about major changes to my car, I always say, “please wait a moment.” I pull out my phone, “I’m sorry I need to record this, I tend to be quite forgetful and it’s important that I keep a record.”
I’ve had tons of people just be like “it’s over, we’re going to lose” just because we’re getting dominated in team fights, but then we win the match.
I’m talking about the side effect of his passive where he can harass while dead, I wasn’t specifically talking about the fact that he’ll re-raise in lane. Secondly, you guys are taking hearsay as law with an obviously vastly over-powered ability, so I wouldn’t get your panties in a twist over whether that’s how it…