While I realize that longer punishments tend to cause people to quit games, 15 minutes for leaving a match doesn’t seem like a terrible thing. I really feel punishment for quitters should be 30 minutes+ in all games like this.
While I realize that longer punishments tend to cause people to quit games, 15 minutes for leaving a match doesn’t seem like a terrible thing. I really feel punishment for quitters should be 30 minutes+ in all games like this.
The Butcher was designed to specifically counter tank types, he’s not particularly strong against other Assassins. I mean pretty much any Assassin will really hurt someone if you jump them properly. Just gotta play prevention, don’t let him get Fresh Meat stacks or when he starts getting too many, focus him.
It’s kind of crazy how much we underestimate the power of the technology that is so prevalent in our society nowadays. I mean it’s so rare to find someone without a smart phone and a crazy percent of those people can’t seem to think of it as more then JUST a phone.
Whenever I speak with a mechanic about major changes to my car, I always say, “please wait a moment.” I pull out my phone, “I’m sorry I need to record this, I tend to be quite forgetful and it’s important that I keep a record.”
I’ve had tons of people just be like “it’s over, we’re going to lose” just because we’re getting dominated in team fights, but then we win the match.
I’m talking about the side effect of his passive where he can harass while dead, I wasn’t specifically talking about the fact that he’ll re-raise in lane. Secondly, you guys are taking hearsay as law with an obviously vastly over-powered ability, so I wouldn’t get your panties in a twist over whether that’s how it…
Lacking doesn’t mean that there aren’t any, it means there are very few. I’m specifically talking about characters that fulfill the role halfway between Assassin and Tank. Tanks are supposed to survive and maintain control a fight, Assassins are supposed to just annihilate a target, but really besides Sonya and…
Leoric looks like he’s probably going to be a bit more a Bruiser then outright Tank, which will be nice, Heroes currently feels like it’s lacking some in the melee department when it comes to damage dealing. As for his passive, sounds strong when you hear about it, but depends on how it’s actually effects game play,…
Why is it Tuesday and not Friday. I’ve been waiting for this so long... soooooooooooo loooooooooooooooong......
Compared to other MMOs, FFXIV doesn’t require quite as much regular time commitment to enjoy it (however, like other MMOs it does reward obsessive gaming behavior), but for instance, the best way to level a class to 50 right now is to do the daily roulette and a guild-hest. So if someone started the game right now,…
“The Fallout Effect”
In popular team-based free-to-play games, like League of Legends, buying the best and most expensive skins has become something of a meta-game, where owning high-priced cosmetics is a sign that you’re a serious, hardcore, good player.
You’re injecting a lot of opinion into your statement here. For every game a company releases, there is going to be a large faction of people who absolutely love it and a large faction of people who absolutely hate it. There’s been some pretty strong arguments about whether Bioshock Infinite was a good game or not…
They’re not giving up from the sounds of the article, which is good, but if you put a year and a half into a game and you’re a nobody company, you’ve already committed yourself anyway.
Can’t give up the dream just because some well-known, experienced developer managed to come up with the same idea or same concept. I mean while it hasn’t been done before in games themselves, the idea of a blind person being the protagonist of a terror game isn’t like the most original concept, at least if you…
Infinite Crisis, aka - Batman, Alternative Batman, Alternative Alternative Batman, Vampire Batman and Batman Batman vs Other Batman, Super Batman, Steampunk Batman, Other Other Batman and that one Wonder Woman character who’s insanely overpowered and played by the only person actually playing Infinite Crisis because…
I have a story about tech adoption. I do both IT and Programming for my company, we use an ancient and defunct accounting software that was built by a company that declared bankruptcy 12 years ago.
Here’s the terrible irony, he’s probably going to get tried as a minor and get off with a slap on the wrist, that’s why he’s acting this way. British Columbia considers people minors until the age of 19 and it’s really rare that they consider the crime severe enough to give them penalties as adults. I doubt they’re…
If College was some small window of time you have to complete, and then could never go back...you’d have a point.
People give up “promising” careers in Sports because if you’re lucky you can play till you’re about 30, 35 is really pushing it, past that and you’re lucky to get hired at all. Secondly, people also always talk about Sports players who “retire early”. They don’t retire early, they’re basically forced into retirement…