
2049 has Joi, who embodies the question “what if the artificial person isn’t actually a real person.” That’s different from the original movie (though not the book), somewhat prescient to the real-life AI stuff and a take you don’t often see in popular scifi.

And I didn’t like the whole implication that there’s a whole Replicant resistance movement in BR2049. That’s just so trite like they are setting up a whole Replicant Rebel Alliance against the evil empire of Tyrell (or whatever Jared Leto’s successor company was). I liked how the original Blade Runner was small scale.

Ah. I see I’m truly dealing with the star of the varsity debate squad here.

Do you think this review was written by an AI? Have you completely switched arguments from “This review was written by someone who cares too much” to “This review was written by an AI”?

How DARE the film critic try to tell the audience if a film is good or bad?! It’s almost like they think it’s their job or something!!!!

It’s a shame because the first film was legitimately cute. But the minions going from sidekick to oversaturated Illumination mascots and these films having less and less reason to exist beyond that first one has been a bit of a bummer to watch.

what the fuck are you talking about? 

A poor defense when there are plenty of legitimately good movies and TV shows out right now.

Where are all the free speech absolutists??

I don’t need you to not be a dick, I need you to be smarter about your political analysis and decisions.

I don’t think you understand how irony works. You can’t just make false statements in response to nothing and have it make sense.

I gotta ask, why are you refuting an argument that no one has made? It just comes off super weird.

Perhaps. But look at his polling and approval rating.

Prometheus belongs on one list and only one: Movies featuring such idiot characters that if even half of them had the IQ of a normal teenager, it would shift the story 180 degrees. Seriously, every character is an idiot, every character is either unlikable or contemptible and the premise basically removes all the fun

Of course, that’s the only way an F4 set in the past could work in the context of the MCU. We’ve seen a lot of the Marvel timeline (from Captain America: The First Avenger to Hank Pym’s backstory in Ant-Man to the time-hopping in Avengers: Endgame), and no one has ever mentioned an eclectic group of scientist-heroes

I mean, your issues with juan as a commentor aside, Ghostbusters 2016 wasn’t very good, at least IMO. I mean, the performers are all great, but it never really develops any stong story or character arc, because everyone’s just too busy ad-libbing. I’m sure it was a blast to film, but it desperately could have used

I mean, he wrote and shot all that stuff with the exception of the stiff prologue. Can’t blame him for not wanting to put his name on a version of it rushed together for TV that didn’t bother to do the Fremen eyes. I’d love to see what he’d do with the footage after a year spend obsessing over the ambient soundtrack.

if the Golden Girls aired today you’d call it identity-obsessed woke trash. rue mclanahan would mention her sexual agency and you’d start bleeding from your eyes

Remaking Possession is like remaking a Lynch movie. I'm not knee-jerk opposed to all remakes, but I hate this

it definitely felt true at the time, but Ghost Protocol was better than it had any right to be because of Brad Bird (and that Dubai tower sequence shot on imax that I saw in IMAX and fucking rocked) and reenergized it, and Cruise kept his mouth shut about having slaves work on his motorcycles. It’s too bad about Brad