
As I was reading, I kept looking for Bill Hader. He definitely deserves top spot. I've been rewatching a lot of clips and he nails it every time. 

Was AI written by AI?

Anne Hathaway and Michael Showalter? Count me in

Yeah that’s right.

Adorable how they’re trying to pretend like them all happily trying to protect a convicted rapist didn’t happen and has nothing to do with this.

It’ll be the first movie presented entirely as a slideshow.

Right; like Dirtside wrote above, it would be nearly impossible to craft this “protection” in any coherent way.  Let’s save our efforts for behavior that causes meaningful harm.

Artists can ask for whatever they want - most legal analyses of the cases that I’ve seen suggest that the tech giants are likely to prevail on the merits of claiming fair use because the output is substantially transformative. Even if the models were just creating collages (they’re doing a lot more than that), collage

Nothing. It used to be much more difficult to gain the tools to learn and practice the skills you need to even be an artist. Now those tools and education are so widely available, there are more artists. The increase in the supply of artists has driven down the price people are willing to pay for professional art,

It’s okay to to automate jobs as long as some hipster on AV club feels they arent “aspired” too. Gotcha!

The short answer is they’re not trying to replace any jobs, they’re trying to get money from investors. Presumably some of them are legitimately interested in furthering the technology.

The documentary thing is clearly wrong, but they could have faked pictures of her being happy and carefree with Photoshop too.

I’m surprised the comments are generic anti-generative AI stuff and not focused more on the fact that a documentary used it to make shit up.

OK, I do think that artist should be compensated for training data yet I fail to see how this is any different than photography. Not to mention the fact that with photography no one is compensated for the buildings in the background, the stop sign, the sidewalk, the subject of the photo. The photographer did not

I never felt that Thompson was worn down to the point of accepting death; I think the Shimmer had seduced her into believing that becoming a living part of it would be a superior existence. That’s the part of the movie that freaked me out the most, she just wanders off and joins a bunch of others as human-shaped plants

This article reads like it was generated by Elon Musk's dumb AI Grok

Just to be clear because it’s kind of buried in the article’s snark and the admittedly humorous aftermath: the actual merit of the initial claim stands. One of the plaintiffs was an idiot after the fact and there weren’t grounds for a class action. But the first judge agreed that what happened with that trailer WAS

The Internet as such started in 1981 with the adoption of Internet Protocol v4, which alongside TCP gave us TCP/IP, and the true Internet that we’re still using today. Through the 80's, people used mainly email, FTP and some forgotten protocols, usually in an academic, military or governmental context. This was the

Maybe you were not alive in the early 80s, but the internet existed (imagine a landline phone docked in a clunky tabletop modem). The word wide web did not. 2 different things.

You’ve never seen WarGames?  It felt kinda like that.