
When Belly was new in theaters, a homeless man gave my friend some unsolicited advice: “Don’t see Belly. It sucks. I saved up for weeks to see that shit!”

If the mayor doesn’t want carriage horses around Columbus Circle, I’d be OK with giant man carrying roaches, instead. Tourists would be forced to recite the following before mounting:

Jonas Venture has to be the worst person on this show (and that’s saying a lot)

The thing is, Middle aged men is a big demo for them. More than kids actually*, according to this.

Listen, pal, I grew up with Star Wars. I ate, drank, and slept the original trilogy in both original and Special Edition flavors (Han shot first, BTW), suffered through the prequels, read the Thrawn Trilogy and am still trying to scrub Jedi Prince and Jedi Apprentice out of my memory...and I still don’t get why the

I genuinely can’t tell if this is satire or not.

Sure buddy....

Why is it subtitled? Nobody knows what people spoke back then, so it’s not lie you can having them speaking “authentically” and then translated below.

It’s also insanely ahistorical to the point that why bother? The only language that they can plausibly put this movie in is PIE, which isn’t even a language so much as a collection of sounds that we have reconstructed to be the roots of a bunch of other words.

Again with the origin?  Everyone knows that dog was bitten by a radioactive dog, giving it the strength, speed, and agility of a dog-sized dog.

I picked up on that too. Especially with the questions about Psyche.

Doesn’t seem any different to me. Maybe there’s a bit more profanity than there used to be, but given who the president is, I’m just happy all headlines everywhere aren’t “What the fuck, fuck this shit” every day.

I don’t think Jimmy really had to explain what a lawyer is to the man who owned the copier business. He knows all too well...

Sure is good to have Jimmy McGill insisting on accurate trash pop culture references again: “Actually it’s Jaws 3D.”

“That machine was almost too good,” one of the Neff managers tells Jimmy about a copier he fondly remembers. “Counterfeiters used it to make color copies of $5 bills.” Bet Jimmy’s filing that idea away for later.

What? Are you positing there’s a reality where authentic DC animated cartoons (which are fine and much better than authentic Marvel cartoons, and definitely better than DC live-action cartoons) are *better* than The Venture Bros.?

No, I knew. There was a newspaper clipping last season that proved it. It wasn’t super explicit though. Just one of those Venture things that really sells the interconnectedness of it all that you never really expect the to follow up on.

Didn’t everybody put together that Wide Wale and Dr Dugong were brothers, or am I just too deep into this show?

“What, you dressed the Venture kid as a gigolo to kill me?”

“I’ve got some sick playlists on there. You like trip-hop?”