
At a glance, the video you posted doesn’t show a single bit of recycled animation in The Jungle Book. It does show that animation from The Jungle Book was later recycled in Robin Hood. Was that what you were trying to prove?

I don’t think the article implies otherwise, only that a period piece that is a satirical comedy of manners set among British aristocracy belongs to the “Jane Austen tradition”.

Isn’t dull colors of medieval clothing historically accurate, though? I thought colorful dyes were rare and expensive at the time, and that if anything, Hollywood dresses people up in costumes that are too brightly colored (and don’t get me started on the teeth and lack of hair covering).

I think what was meant (or at least it’s a more defensible version of the claim) is that we have an apparently fairly complete list of rulers of Egypt for that period (even if it’s not really quite “unbroken”), incidentally stretching back to possibly the very first person with his name recorded in a contemporary,

It is silent in English because word-initial “pt” is too difficult for us, but not, I believe (and according to Wiktionary) in Ancient Greek. Same thing with “pterodactyl”.

She probably wasn’t the Liz Taylor of her day, but several Roman historians (not generally big fans) did call her beautiful, and none say the opposite, with Plutarch only going as far as to say that she wasn’t a notable beauty, and that her attraction was more due to her charm and intelligence than her appearance. Cice

Man, that’s a lot of incest. Kind of surprising that Cleopatra, at least, was still normal-looking at the tail end of all that inbreeding.

But it’s not the breeze (existent or not) that’s causing the dong to flap. It’s the walking.

I don’t think Cruise would have been a good choice, but someone like the Rock might work.

I’d go so far as to say the whole film is worth it just for that trailer.

Neither version really holds up to close examination (as in “yeah, that would probably work”). The Dr. Manhattan version is at least a lot neater, plot-wise.

How about Stephen Colbert (with a stand-in for the action scenes)?

If you asked us if it were possible to do a feminist take on a Brian De Palma movie, we’d have been skeptical

From Hell the worst? I think someone is forgetting about a little film called LXG...

‘Does Big Brother exist?’

The more I think about it, the more I doubt it will be a shot-for-shot remake. You can’t recreate that same couple dynamic with JLD and Ferrell; it just doesn’t make sense. So I’m convinced it will be rewritten as a comedy vehicle for the two of them. There’s some good talent involved, so it might end up good, but I

Yeah, I don’t see Will Ferrell in the role, either. As a film about family dynamics, couple dynamics and self-image, getting the characters just right matters a lot, and having this superficially perfect family, with the young-ish, quite handsome dad just starting to think about himself as middle-aged is a big part of

Yes, it’s a comedy, though that’s not in conflict with being a serious deconstruction of gender roles and family.

The list is for movies made in a language other than English. There’s no indication that critics were asked not to vote for entries from their own country.