I think Kevin edited the article after my comment. (And if Kinja allowed us edit comments, I’d fix mine to sound less pissy.)
I think Kevin edited the article after my comment. (And if Kinja allowed us edit comments, I’d fix mine to sound less pissy.)
Ma Beagle is not a “perennial” character from the comics, she was created for the cartoon. In the comics (particularly those made in Italy) there’s a “Grandpa Beagle” instead.
It seems to conflate Azor Ahai with the Night’s King (who in the books was an ancient, legendary leader of the Night’s Watch who fell in love with a frozen/dead woman and turned evil, ruling beside her). Given that all these legends are thousands of years old, one could certainly speculate that they’re different…
I know I've heard all my life Republicans will make America into either a theocracy or a Gilded Age style Social Darwinist world.
True, and he's a bit of a magpie as a writer in general, freely stealing stuff he likes from authors he admires. (I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, and he's usually quite open about it.)
Yeah, I could see that it looks similar in the new show to in FWWM. But in the old show, isn't the entrance quite different, for example?
It's getting pretty frustrating to argue with you when you don't seem to have a basic grasp of the facts.
I remember some artist saying that "If I could just tell you what I was trying to express, I wouldn't have had to paint the damn pictures!" (Or write the books/poems, or whatever medium it was he was working in.)
I'm not sure we can even say that. Even if he's becoming slightly more capable (and even that is not 100% unambiguous), that's not to say Coop is "waking up" as much as adjusting to life as Dougie. Given that this is still a TV show and "real Cooper" is most likely returning, it's a plausible interpretation, but…
I like how people keep saying there were only one or two black people in the original show, but keep mentioning different characters. (Yeah, there weren't a whole lot, but probably close to 10 all told.)
You were literally responding to a comment explaining that yes, there was a good chance it might happen (and we argued over it at the time). And one would think you'd know to take Lindsey Graham with a grain of salt, as basically any statement from a Senate Republican should be seen as spin at that point.
I think you're right about Lynch's approach, but I would also point out that consciously editing your subconscious impulses in your art doesn't have to be a matter of "censoring". George Saunders described it well in a recent essay:
There are also noticeable set differences between the show and Fire Walk With Me (the RR Diner is the one that looked the most jarringly different to me).
Janey-E pointed out last episode that the black suit fit him better, and IIRC even said he should buy some more. It seems entirely possible that she was the one who decided what he would wear, since Dougie seems pretty much incapable of dressing himself.
How does sexual assault come into it?
I thought that was the one stretch (early S2) where he was quite involved. He directed one of the episodes with her in yellowface.
Blackie's sister at One-Eyed Jack's is marginally more important than any of them.
She could have kept writing in her secret diary when visiting with Harold. (I forget the exact timeline, but there's enough time for that, isn't there?)
In this season we'll learn about Laura Palmer's Secret Secret Diary, which she gave to Harriet Hayward to look after. Events around this diary will finally explain why she is absent throughout most of the first two seasons, and why nobody seems to notice.
Aww man, I really low 90s trip hop. That music cue is my favorite so far of this season's original music.