While we’re talking about Hillary insulting (but not throwing shade at) Trump, this made me laugh so hard:
While we’re talking about Hillary insulting (but not throwing shade at) Trump, this made me laugh so hard:
The Economist’s new cover:
The chapter’s executive director Justin Kirk told ABC 17 that the fraternity has failed to meet fraternity and university standards in recent years, and that they’re investigating Delta Upsilon’s issues, “Some of which we have just learned of within the last few days.”
I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.
My two experiences with this idiot while working in Hwood:
Update: The teenager wrote about this experience earlier this year, and makes it pretty clear that he felt used and uncomfortable:
Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up…
There’s a difference between not caring and being unable to do much of anything because of your assaulter’s fame.
I feel like the fact these women are willing to appear with Trump at a time when it’s perfectly clear what a vile shitpile of a human being he is speaks volumes about their character and motivations. I can understand why they’d hate the Clintons if their stories have as much as a grain of truth to them, and I blame…
Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.
Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?
I said over on Deadspin earlier this evening that my wild hunch is that it was leaked by an NBC producer or employee who knew they had the tape and was really frustrated that NBC was sitting on it.
I think this election highlights how openly racists white Americans can be to just about anybody that isn’t Caucasian. Racists don’t need refuge when they have the safe harbor of a major political party. At this point it’s fair game to attack Mexicans, Muslims, Asians and any black American that dares to challenge…
Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.