Excuse me, that dog is a professional, and that is her best sexy cover face. She starts looking all excited and shit, and that's her chance for Vogue blown, right there. Have some respect.
Brienne’s face was the same face my little 6 month old girl kitten made the first night an old Tom cat sat on our back fence caterwauling to woo her into sexual maturity. “Whaaaa? Do I like that? Hissss?” Confused, disgusted, intrigued.
house hippo
I like this lady, a lot. She doesn’t seem obsessive, hasn’t turned a 1,000 animal into a house cat and is willing to let go for its best interests. Hopefully Bullet will wind up some place where she can visit.
This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused
Good for him. It sucks because it’s like “Thanks cis white guy for drawing attention to inclusive feminism” but I love that he knows that and thinks its BS that he’s getting all the pats on the back for it when women from all walks of life have been saying this for awhile now and just getting crickets. So he’s dammed…
Because it’s so gratifying when the writers come into the comments section to mean-girl anyone with anything remotely critical to say! No honestly, it’s because there are occasionally worthwhile discussions to be had with other commenters here about feminism, while you guys are busy trying to out-cool each other.
The woman card gets us a ‘free’ drink we never asked for, but cordially accept for fear of repercussions and then get called a bitch slut for not leaving with the buyer.
Be happy, Harris and Matthew, and it sounds like your daughter is a peach!
Yeah. I totally figured it was Mr. Kaplan’s way of getting Liz free of everything and everyone connected to Red and her mother...my questions is, how the hell did she/does she plan on handling the baby? There’s no way that Liz would leave her with Red and there’s no way Red’s going to let her go (unless Dembe or Mr.…