
You could just combine 3 and 5 and say “You weren’t good enough to make the team.” 5 rubs it in a little bit. It says “you made the team but we’d rather comb through everyone else’s garbage than keep you.”

I never knew that getting cut from an NFL team was so much like getting evicted from the many apartments that I have.

Last one is especially cold. You busted your ass and are one of our 53 best players. But we can do better. Fuck you very much.

This must be an older form. I don’t see the “You failed to disclose that when you hit your wife, it was recorded on a closed circuit television.”

They note that the numbers are based on national averages. It’s a basic tool, meant to give a rough estimate. I mean, the cost of raising children is going to vary, too.

Sometimes it’s possible to make snap judgements. I don’t need to read past the first few pages of “50 shades of gray” to know that it’s poorly-written and has nothing new or interesting to say. I don’t need to consult an art historian to know that this work is under-thought and poorly presented. The only thing I find

I found this tool to be somewhat accurate (compared to my own calculations).

You raped her and you should feel terrible and surrender yourself to the relevant authorities.

Yeah I thought the beauty in art was always about how the same piece can be interpreted so differently depending on the viewer.

On the one hand, this is misguided, sophomoric, exploitative and narcissistic. The kind of exhibitionistic stunt with pretensions to art that you might expect of someone who’s not very mature for her age.

Working form the bottom of your post:

This is tremendous. Well done.

If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.

Yeah, I tend to agree. . . . it’s REALLY hard for me to separate the following feelings: 1) What do *I* like as art (and usually feel totally comfortable dismissing as crappy if I don’t like it)?, 2) What do I think is good political art?, 3) What do I think is the right path for discussions about “rape culture” to

why do you have so many hands tho, yo.

I’m really conflicted here.

I am so confused right now. Let me say, first, that I think Ms. Sulkowicz is an extremely brave young woman. And, also, I suppose, that I am reacting to this as a rape victim.

As my art teacher in college would say:

I think the message she’s trying to send is. Me!!

Can someone who knows art explain this to me? Seriously, i have no idea what i’m supposed to feel here. I mean, based on the description this is a recreation of a rape, but it’s not supposed to be showing what happened in 2012. Ok i get that. But by watching it, someone i’m objectifying her rape? Ok then, why