Cocoa butter. Whether Queen Helene (best brand) or Palmer’s, it’s my tried and true form of skin cream.
Cocoa butter. Whether Queen Helene (best brand) or Palmer’s, it’s my tried and true form of skin cream.
Try Amlactin Hydrating Body Cream. It is not a pleasant smelling lotion, but just use it on the patches and it will likely help. My doctor suggested it when I told her about these red bumpy patches on my arms, and it has completely cleared. It also burns a little, but apparently it’s supposed to do that...I’m making…
I feel like an idiot because I love lotion and was genuinely looking forward to some new lotions to lotion up with :/
It’s the nicest smelling Aveda shampoo (IMO). The shampure hand relief was a limited edition and Aveda aren’t selling it any more (in the UK at least) but I just got another one from FeelUnique. It’s a bit more expensive than normal but the tube is slightly bigger.
Aveda Hand Relief with Shampure aroma is even better.
The word lotion has lost all meaning to me now.
You should also know that not all women get g-spot orgasms. A lady may appreciate you making the ole college try, but do not feel like a failure (and for god’s sake do not feel like you need to finger her for one thousand years) if she doesn’t get off.
Am I the only person who hates the word queef? I don’t hate queefs, just the word.
Laci Green is a national treasure! She’s an ambulatory millennial copy of “Our Bodies, Ourselves”.
The Cliteracy Project is such a thing of beauty. There’s an extensive section on it at the Huffington Post:
I recently was looking at an article on the clitoris (it may have been here on Jezebel) that said that the external clitoris is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, and that the actual clitoris is much larger than I ever knew. Check out the cliteracy project for more information about this.
“How many of us actually spend five minutes walking around the vehicle, checking tire tread, checking air pressure, checking for anything unusual or weird, any kind of obstructions (or small furry mammals), every time we go to use our car?”
Hmmm.. I smell fear. I sense reluctance. Reluctance to comment. People waiting, peeking in, to see who commented, what was said, about what part, parts. Maybe I shouldn’t be here either. Shit.
So..... how about that Google I/O ??? : )
I would like to know what kind of jewelry your daughter was wearing on this flight?
“Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go...”
Actually, that’s exactly what it means. Having a child means changing your lifestyle significantly.
You forgot about doping your kid up on Benadryl
Then if you’re going with the Behavioral Style of interviewing, the question would be framed as “Tell me about a time you made a mistake and how you resolved it,” or even better, “Tell me about a project or situation at work when you have learned to differentiate between your weaknesses and strengths,” and follow up…
The same question can be used by different people differently. The problem with the ‘what is your greatest weakness’ question is not that it is a bad question persay, but that the answer to the question is not easily interpreted. You need to do some information gathering to figure out the person asking the question…
I’m not sure this is a BS question though. The point of asking what your greatest weakness is is not to trick you into giving them a reason not to hire you, its a tool to filter out Narcissists ... you really don’t want to hire a Narcissist as they are one of the most toxic types of people in any environment.