
screw larger game non sense...borders are full of innocent people trying to run away from this war, look at the bloody map! turkey requested to keep 5 miles clear of the borders to ensure the safety of ethnic and refugees! How is Russia gonna explain the flight paths of these planes? They are not only poking through

of course it looks different, you are not looking at the right area ... on left it is actual borders! u think Government will publish a controversial buffer zone map for borders... they have been warned for crossing air space...they ignored multiple times before, and pilots have been contacted without any response

stupidity and ignorance is a bliss... i guess it comes mostly from playing too much Xbox or PS... People talking about Nuking Islam? You guys are god damn out of your minds! ISIS has nothing to do with Islam... Just because they are saying they are muslim, dont make them muslims, like any long white bearded old man

“Hamilton cut him off, nico stood his ground, and was made out to be a criminal.”

I sold my Jag 2 yrs ago, couldnt stand going to dealer so frequently more than grocery store... It is not a Tata/Ford issue, most of problem JLR has design gimmicy... They add features w/o thinking...

There are situations where it is safe to do what the rider did! And like you said, he wouldnt know he wouldnt run down/over by a maniac... otherwise he wouldnt knowingly do what he did! you are over complicating the situation without common sense... if you are behind a tractor or a trailer car doing 20-30 heck 40

No, thats not what you said, you over emphasized the dumbness of the rider over the driver’s out right murder-like behavior pre/post collision! which seems/sounds like you weighted the blame on the rider. I didnt see any law enforcer sign on the driver’s car. the only dumb thing i see the rider did riding with an

if you are not a troll, you are really dumb: Not only you didnt read the article, you seem/sound like to sympathize with the driver, and blame the rider...

The amount of material released from the impact wasnt huge by any means and impact didnt destroy the barriers either. I didnt say it shouldnt be fixed or the way it is fixed. I merely suggested that they may not have used regular tape! Also my next comment is that due to the accident happening the same way (loosing

You see that thing he is patching with duct tape isnt a toy plane... just saying, not everything maybe as it seems... also likelihood of another car crashing the same point/barrier is unlikely due to the place of the incident...

This propulsion system would have issues as along with the gasses, everyone also ejects samples of poop! would you like free flowing/flying poop inside a confined space where you experiment 0 gravity water drinking and food eating, and breathing of course...

it is a bastard car, thats why all those names come to mind...

VW cars usually have both metric and miles dash and way in settings to switch between... I dont know for sure of course, but shouldnt be really hard to swap out.

or they could use logistics and move them to different countries nearby where laws are a bit more relaxed... since 2.0 lt engines are on eco side and cheaper, it would be less damaging if they arent allowed to be sold...

Are you getting older buddy? I expected no less than this from you...

Lambo would be the logical choice, Bugatti is too niche...

You forgot Bluemotion :)

or in a lightning bolt, it will charge in an instant...

Da fock is wrong with you? or with who support this azzhat? He went straight in front of the car, provoke her, and he himself nearly drove under the car as if this is like a russian scam! i would have run over him without hesitation if they swarm my car like this...

And you collect more point by touching more cars i think in these series?