
why? are you green?

You got some fuzzy feelings towards cops, and all your comments are just of someone really irritated, calm down mate, one way or the other just will prevail!


what? he screwed them all :)

very cold and bad joke... easy when you are behind keyboard, wish you could make the joke in front of the families...


My friend tried to do just that but there was no truck left at the end and he didnt need to spend money...

Now playing

Spoiler Alert: This was his actual comments about the Ferrari when he came to the garage (unedited/unshopped)

He has used 2 of the 3 chances, might as well stop and keep the last one for something else :)

I m currently electrified!

Is this the same Gold Cover McLaren used in the past?

The dude was just trying to use his GTA line :) of course this would happen!

Mr Marko's view was more furious! If you have seen :). He doesnt understand "why everyone wants to race for ferrari once, they are myth" :)

You my friend is really close minded hater! Hamilton on the same spec cars has beaten vettel, kubica, rosberg and some i forgot their names who also made it into f1!

Like everything in life, this one will balance itself out! Your analogy is good only for the sheeps... Why dont they offer the service to just those in the 1st class section where passengers of those rows goes to different part of the world then the tail of the plane...

It would be interesting to see this and FIA would ban or disq HAM for this but they did nothing for poor Nico at SPA! Even his team was pissed and knew it was done on purpose! Most probably outcome of that race would be the defining champs before the last race and all the controversy would be out of question! Now, he

why should he get a year, it is wayyyyy too much, he didnt really endanger any one, he is just trolling... and annoying people with what seems like stupid comments that he himself doesnt believe but for the sake of trolling...

on the other hand, a plane cost 100+ million $$$ to purchase, shall we pay for the plane as well?

Is this your car?