
I also think Devel has 1 gear like cizeta :) it only goes backwards :)

if devel can make these numbers, wait for Hennessy to double it :) of course you just shell the money, but dont expect to see an actual car, just a paper saying Hennessy Devel 10K HP signed by Hennessy himself...

I see no further point discussing with a JLR sales person/dealer. Now I know why I have the answers you keep repeating... Lol, nice try... Your brand lost me as a first time and the last time owner of a JLR!

was dart combatz's photo shoot director $kaycog?

well, here is a thing or two

I think after all the lady contributions to the community, Andrew decided to give @$kaycog something back in return :)

JLR is legendary in the car technical problems... JLR cars sure looks nice aesthetically but they have far worse and more problems than any other new cars within the first year!

we need to ZOOM to the guy's specs and ENHANCE and have reflection reversed to see the car's left mirror and ZOOM/ENHANCE and see if those people behind the car are actually there, much easier...

Watch the episode 2 as the end of this road is closed :) see his reversing skills :)

i gave the savegame to someone to help, but he spread it like a disease :) from usa to uk to russia to china :) i think game didnt have many fans initially, and didnt have many cheats at the time, and frustrating to play to make cash.. remember driving nearly an hour around island to make first million i had plenty…

TDU: Yeah but it was very long ago though, I posted it somewhere i dont remember it, but didnt distribute it though, gave it to someone and spread i think. :) it was one of the many things i have done in the past :) along with some hackintoshing :) when i had some free times...

bumper cars crash at that speed :) j/k what i mean was at 100-200 kmh crashes, these cars are flying coffins!

Russians will be pissed about the exhaust lay out!

With those figures in the car, no surprise they had their "

although it is mostly associated with fwd cars, it is not unique to fwds! how do you know this car has TS w/o even driving it or having a review of this by some profs?

well, where I live, they were called flying coffins! Because at mid to high speed crashes, it was very rare someone came out in one piece!

Are the trees ok?

it would be a possibility by the dealers, after all they are the ones mainly trying to prevent Tesla from selling cars directly!

Now playing

you sir watch this, :) these are not from 90's...and they are from a respectable manufacturer with high price tags... they have specialty in self-ignition systems... which do not require crashes/collisions. they are self-sufficient!