I know, same here. I’m very relieved and happy Drew is still with us too. To think this was going to be a year where we almost were not going to get WYTS anymore... ugh, man that would certainly be a reality I do not want to live in.
I know, same here. I’m very relieved and happy Drew is still with us too. To think this was going to be a year where we almost were not going to get WYTS anymore... ugh, man that would certainly be a reality I do not want to live in.
The Cardinals are only built for Superbowls if the only other opposing teams in the league are The Browns, The Lions, and I’m thinking perhaps also The Falcons, and even then I’m still not entirely sure. But considering how hideously unlucky and how much of a top-notch skill The Falcons have at pissing away leads. If…
Finally at long last it is WYTS season, my most favorite time of the year. Last night I sure felt like a kid on Christmas Eve.
Wow, with this team’s 99% bare shelves lacking trophies, I’m convinced the Cards are like The Brown’s secret alternate and much much hotter home.
Eh, just figured I’d make a post claiming the economy is worse than you think it might be, even though it probably really isn’t. I also am aware that doing so would cause problems for this country, where raising minimum wage that high is certainly a no-go. Sadly there just doesn’t appear to be any easy solution. Also,…
Um, 15$ minimum wage sounds good and all, but in this day and age and the way the economy is right now, I think for all workers to have comfortable living conditions, the minimum wage needs an extra zero making it 150$.
With each passing day and with more news like this, it is looking more and more clear cut that, yeah, we’re on the road to complete and utter darkness.
Yuck, that is a yucky cereal list, what got me was Lucky Charms being at the absolute bottom, ew. That cereal is far too sacred and tasty to be at the bottom of any cereal list.
Haven’t listened to the podcast yet but I’m sure she’s at least alright in it, and I do like Greenwell, but when you get to the trying to produce good quality food takes? Definitely not one of her strong suits.
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was actually a take from Greenwell. I still remember back in December in a Funbag she hosted, there being two god awful takes in it. While the ham one was bad, the other one I found to be much much worse. Saying not only Cadbury Cream Eggs suck, but are actually also worse than Peeps? Ha ha…
Well this is disgusting. And of course this would happen to a good company studio that does things right and treats employees well, at least that’s from what I’m seeing here. Lots of good talented people gone. God the way this world works is the worst. What’s the point of this world where too often it just feels like…
Man, stumbling upon this news really has me depressed and disappointed with Nintendo. I don’t know what’s been going on for what feels like the last few years, but lately I’ve been running into some personal issues, certain things that have me convinced Nintendo seems to be on a downward spiral. This Switch joystick…
Celebrities like Lori really have me lose faith in humanity. How could someone on a show like Full House, a rare quality gem show brimming with morals, common sense, and to teach you right from wrong, years later, suddenly turn around and pull something like this? And to add insult to injury, do a crime so stupidly…
Area 51 and what they got there does interest me and have me curious. I definitely wouldn’t try storming it though. I wonder what tasks you need to go through to get a job position there? Meh, maybe I wouldn’t mind being a guard and guarding it. Anyway, it feels like its one of my dreams to see what Area 51 is like,…
“Stick to Sports” basically is one of the evil’s various tactics of thinking their shielded and no one can see through their obvious very bad smoke and mirrors. Why have to be forced to just stick to sports? They obviously don’t want their racism and backwards thinking exposed. Sad thing is their seems to be far too…
The alternate 1985 section of the movie of Back to the Future 2 feels like it proved to be rather prophetic.
Maybe Canada can also help liberate us as well.
Guess that that shows that Trump’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Unlike our slop for brains that we have as president, other dark world leaders like Kim and Putin are the real deal for criminal masterminds, and know how to be among the world’s super bosses, that are very tough to defeat. This doesn’t mean…
A nanobot future is frightening, what with all these articles I’ve seen mentioning how things can go wrong with them, wonder which is worse, them going the gray goo route or starting up the zombie apocalypse?
So much for serve and protect. Its disturbing things like this that has me thinking the USA rightfully deserves to be the butt of the joke. Its the biggest sham ever. Welcome to America, oops sorry, you got tricked, our police force and government officials and what-not aren’t really here to help you. Well, at least a…