Mysterious Siren

Area 51 and what they got there does interest me and have me curious. I definitely wouldn’t try storming it though. I wonder what tasks you need to go through to get a job position there? Meh, maybe I wouldn’t mind being a guard and guarding it. Anyway, it feels like its one of my dreams to see what Area 51 is like,

“Stick to Sports” basically is one of the evil’s various tactics of thinking their shielded and no one can see through their obvious very bad smoke and mirrors. Why have to be forced to just stick to sports? They obviously don’t want their racism and backwards thinking exposed. Sad thing is their seems to be far too

The alternate 1985 section of the movie of Back to the Future 2 feels like it proved to be rather prophetic.

Maybe Canada can also help liberate us as well.

Guess that that shows that Trump’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Unlike our slop for brains that we have as president, other dark world leaders like Kim and Putin are the real deal for criminal masterminds, and know how to be among the world’s super bosses, that are very tough to defeat. This doesn’t mean

A nanobot future is frightening, what with all these articles I’ve seen mentioning how things can go wrong with them, wonder which is worse, them going the gray goo route or starting up the zombie apocalypse?

So much for serve and protect. Its disturbing things like this that has me thinking the USA rightfully deserves to be the butt of the joke. Its the biggest sham ever. Welcome to America, oops sorry, you got tricked, our police force and government officials and what-not aren’t really here to help you. Well, at least a

If someone were to walk up to me and ask me if I could throw away whatever it is their holding, I’d be like “Uh, can’t you throw away your own garbage? Why do you feel that you need to have someone else do that for you?”

Ouch, this is sad, RIP Etika. Never got around to seeing your videos actually, but I’m sure they are cool. Also makes you wonder what happened, the sudden change, of mental health deterioration. All of a sudden far too often things can change for the worse in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately a sudden increase in

Very good and interesting story, yeah it is a shame really, unfortunately getting into stuff like pro-sports (especially the NFL) can wind up being too much of a trap. There are far too many staff members and coaches that are out there just to make you feel miserable, its as if their brains are wired and programmed to