
“While these videos can be graphic in nature to view, keep in mind our canines are extremely effective at deescalating situations and preventing elevated levels of force to take people into custody,”

Considering the insane amounts of money spent on these “dream weddings”, it’s no surprise the needle goes up to crazy pretty quick. Rich people spending stupid cash on monster weddings is one thing, but watching working-class kids go $50k into hock over a wedding that won’t last 5 years (see: Every High School

lol. I kinda hate him for making me agree with Whoopi Goldberg

Headline: “Wimbledon’s Undergarment Police Are Out in Force

Because there is nothing White people like more than a Black person who confirms their biases, and admonishes his own race.

Now playing

Wholly fucking shit. Instead of watching that, I’ll watch James Baldwin demolish Bill Buckley Jr again.

this is the WSJ and will spur 5+ op-eds about how this isnt actually racist its about personal responsibility

Because she was also victim of the rule in the story, and a photo of the kids wouldn’t get clicks like the highest profile player in the tournament. It’s really kind of reaching to suggest it was intentional. The header pic from the story isn’t chosen by the tweet writer, so they likely linked the URL and can’t see

He will once he gets done curling in the squat rack for a half hour.

It’s funny that he prizes civility, but generally remains silent in the face of Donald’s (rather uncivil) attacks on the media, Democrats, disabled persons, women, Mexicans, etc.... I would be able to take Ryan more seriously if he made any effort to clean up his own house, but as it is I think “be more civil” is code

A racist, by definition must be in a position of power to enforce their racial bias. Black people in America haven’t held that power here ever so all we can aspire to be until that power is had is prejudiced.

Gosh and here I thought a day could go by without having to hear from the false equivalency crowd.

like literally every part of American history is either blatantly anti-black, reminiscent of things that are anti-black, or are unintentionally anti-black.

As a white guy living in the most multicultural city in the history of the world, married to a person of color...

Even if it’s not obvious or outright, there’s still the implicit bias that I bet kids pick up on:

Counterpoint: yoga doesn’t have to be boring, not if you make up your own sequences, or go to e.g. Iyengar classes which are different every time.

I appreciate your reply. What these videos really drive home is that different groups face very different circumstances when it comes to the police. Without the videos, it’s harder to get that truth across. And if you and others are listening, then things will start to change.