
As a straight man, those are just too big and fake for me.

Please... enough with the “they’re not wearing masks” schtick. If Americans were more proactive about their health  the fear of “the Rona” wouldn’t be as prevalent as it is now. We need to  get a better grip on the ways to improve our health ( especially Black folks) instead of falling into the “masks save lives”

They’ve cried wolf too many times for me to care about their relationship, but that pic of Cardi in the pink dress always gives my boobs sympathy pains.

What continues to annoy me is that people defend Lucas as “not racist.” The guy who ran the pizza parlor he worked as a teen, or his friend from school. “He’s not racist.”
These same people try to dismiss “systemic racism.” They fail to understand that these cops don’t have to be lynching, n-word spewing klansmen.

Something tells me this town isn’t as kumbaya as the residents like to tell people it is. How diverse is the city politics, the police force, the fire department ? Sounds like one of those places that pays lip service to being open minded 

Watching Twitter explode with angry wine moms was pretty hilarious

Black women have endured the jokes of comedians coming at us with offensive stereotypes for YEARS-and snl has been a part of that. The white women going off on Twitter about these accurate observations disguised as jokes are the same ones that would happily laugh at us being called ‘Shaniqua’.

Hit dogs holler ! White women are right up there with White men. WW have weaponize their femininity to oppress and aid White men in the exploitation, and harm of all non-whites in this country particularly black people. All while claiming solidarity with marginalized groups and centering themselves in our movements.

Along with 53% of White Women that voted for Trump and are now bleating about oppression. 

The exact percentage of white men doesn’t need to be mentioned. We all know the overwhelming majority voted for Trump. I’m sure many people would presume much higher than 63%.

I’m confused by the backlash. Haven’t seen the bit, but based on the text...was this news to anyone? Is what he said that controversial? Men and women are racist...soo...what’s this issue?

I can’t argue with any of that. I guess with comedians, I essentially view them as being a sort of character, or at least a heightened version of themselves, when performing. So while Burr certainly acts like an angry asshole in a lot of his comedy, I don’t know if that completely reflects him as a person. From

Yea he ruffled a lot of feathers last night. And I LOVE IT. He went in and White women are made because, as usual, they don’t like to be reminded of their privileges’ or why they have it. Everything is all rainbows and phony smiles and subtle racism hiding behind sugarcoated friendliness. 

Telling people what comedy should be is silly, just because you find something unfunny doesn’t mean everyone has to. Some things will make you laugh while other don’t and vice versa, and that’s OKAY.

So you don't like that he holds a mirror up in front of you and calls out your nonsense? 

You people are a f*ckin’ cliche lol

The nerve of you white women! Listen, I don’t want to speak ill of my bitches here. I dont, but let’s go back in history here, OK? You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity. You rolled around in the blood money, and occasionally, when you wanted to sneak off and hook up

Things Angelica Brecker does not have:

A friend of mine once watched his neighbors have a low key high key fight on their doorstep one time. She got the last word, and it was (not making this up) “WASH YO BUTT!”

...because, while I’m sure her milkshake brings all the Proud Boys to the doublewide, no self-respecting Black man should stick his dick in the putrid vat of redneck sweat and discarded potato salad raisins that are her nether regions.