
I still have scars on my feet and ankles from my experience with bedbugs this summer. Fuck this person.

He made jokes about a predatory creep who happens to be transgender. Give it a rest.

He didn’t kill his friends. The people he killed were on the side of the road helping a young woman with a stalled car. Breanna Mitchell was the motorist, Hollie Boyles and her teenage daughter Shelby, who lived nearby and youth minister Brian Jennings, who was passing by. These are the lives ethan couch took.

Rright. Let’s compare....

Poor kid.

Why do the rolls need purged? Leave them. people can vote or not. If they're dead, the don't vote. Its turning it into a bigger deal then it needs to be.

Once you are registered to vote, you should have that right until you die. 

Maybe you should go back to stormfront, where your “contributions” would be useful.

Deranged? Fuck you

She's such an overindulged brat.

No. You’re just being an asshole. This woman tried to kill two children and all you care about is balancing the scales. Go fuck yourself, asshole

Stay on topic, shitstain.

If you don't like the topics covered here, perhaps you should start your own blog. Asshole.

You don’t know how to math. Sad.

Never said they were her dealers, you fucking idiot.

Daniel Farrands also did that disgusting Sharon Tate movie starring Hillary Duff. He doesn’t care about reality, just exploiting murdered women.

Someone should body slam your ass. PS, Tessa Majors was buying drugs when she was murdered. Too bad you weren't there to lecture her on acting right.

What part of ‘it can be put in a bun’ are you not getting?

If it can be put in a bun it is regulation 

You are so brave. They're fucking books. get over it.