
Chardonn Hey Do You Remember That Time My Husband Cheated on Me With Leann Rimes?

I like that she doesn't blame her dancers, as a lot of people thought she might.

I read the mother jones article and didn't bother responding because a million people had already chimed in about how the study is actually saying that your phone does as good of a job, not that the fitbit is bullshit. If you couldnt think of one reason that someone would prefer a slim, light band over carrying their

Look, I know there are going to be a lot of agitators or "haters" who see that about Taylor Swift and think that it's all fake and put on for the cameras and part of an elaborate scheme to "seem human" or "harvest the girl's organs" but let me just be the first to say that those allegations? Those are absolutely,

I could give a shit about the lowered bottoms thing but yeah, the uncanny valley is exactly what wigs me out too. Something about the tilt of her head and the shadows/lighting of her boobs. They look like they've been painted on.

Woman poses, picture is chosen for cover, woman is scrutinized instead of the publication.

Above and beyond the pose....they really photoshopped Hannah Davis into some crazy uncanny valley. I'm certain she's gorgeous, but that photo up top is seriously wigging me out. I don't know enough about the tool to put my finger on what's wrong (I feel like parts are brighter than they should be? and the skin's been

...which has nevertheless found itself split in two broad halves across a new party line: We are either pro-vaccination, or anti.

Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are wack.

Why not just go straight to the source?

Fuck all of this. It's time for school districts to put on their big folks pants, stop kowtowking to anti-science nutbars and eliminate personal belief exemptions. Your stupid, ignorant-ass beliefs should not be imposed on your children and endangering others. If we can force Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian

This isn't going to be a popular comment, but attempting to reduce binge drinking or the ease with which students get wasted (not that it necessarily will work, as has been pointed out by people who went to no-hard-liquor schools) is an attempt to do something about part of what contributes to sexual assault on

I ADORE my Spanx! Different strokes, I guess.

Starred for admitting that that pizza is the worst.

Anyone else think this is kind of stupid? I mean, if you don't like to eat something... don't eat it. It's one of those image things, isn't it?

That hairline is freaking me the fuck out.

i will get to the actual post in a second but did everyone else get that weird pregnancy test commercial? are they both on xanax? are they in lesbians with each other? why was it so....blah???

Thank you for picking a screengrab where her face looks extra punch-worthy :|

Yeah I'm with you on the bullshit Facebook events things. Half the time people just "Invite All" to them. No, sorry... I won't attend your barbecue this weekend that is on the other side of the continent from me. I won't even reply to that, because you should be able to figure out I'm not buying a plane ticket last

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