
@Better Days: That's what I was thinking at one point too. But unless it actively refreshes data(Over 3G) during that time period, it doesn't need that much animation. The notes application should need next to no animation time unless that is pulling it from Microsoft servers. Which would be stupid because then you

It looks really nice, but hopefully it has an option to turn off. Because I would hate to have to spend all that time waiting for it to load when I want to quickly check weather

I think its funny how on the Reddit page you can see "f*ck" repeated over and over.

I watched a Youtube video in flash today on Gizmodo I believe. I was using the mobile version, but it had a Youtube clip in the page, so I just hit play. Ran fine, no issues. Motorola Droid on 3G. I did try playing a flash game from and that was a bit laggy though

@350xtaZ: I'd probably end up with a high five from some cop at one point

A girl in my psychology class today had a Justin Beiber tour shirt on. I wanted to get up and punch her in the face.

@Crisss1205: Doesn't work. I typed in an SSID and it didn't the password.

Nothing exciting for me. Standard FIOS one. Never felt like changing it.

@tmhstoner: Did someone find a major bug, or does no one know why they took it down?

When is iTunes 10 available for download? Apple still has it listed as "coming soon"

iTunes 10.

@devianaut: Do you really have 510GB in iTunes? If you do, I have a few questions out of curiosity. Whats your bitrate for most songs, how many songs do you have?

This is already for Android and has been so for a few weeks, so I assume by "other devices" they mean other Blackberries? And possibility WP7 when available.

Quick question to any Moto Droid owners out there with 2.2. Does anyone know if tethering is free? When I got the update I thought the Droid was not getting tethering. But If I go to settings, wireless and networks, tethering. I can have the option to do it via USB. And I did test it(My droid was connected to my

@daftrok: First movie that comes to mind is The Hurt Locker.

I would stream more if they had decent movies on stream. Most of the movies on stream are the crap ones no one wants to see. Just go through the top 100 list and look at how many are stream.

This is kinda ridiculous. If I read this right, they essentially took all skill out of it. Adjusting for current conditions, and such. Lasers just shoot at the target, no adjustments for distance or wind necessary.

@Calrekabooki: I still cant find flash! I have Droid with Android 2.2. I have yet to find Adobe Flash in the market

@bmj2728: I agree with you on the fact that the iPhone 4 is not the best phone. I don't think there is one "best phone" all phones have their pro's and con's. Droid X has great hardware, but the software limits it. iPhone 4 has great software, but it is too restricted naturally. I could go on.