
I had safari open with 3 tabs, and I was using over 200MB of RAM...

@drownedphoniex: Do it do it do it. Not like your going to need medical attention after you try pulling that off.

Great idea. now we need more products on here! :P

my workspace is terrible right now. a laptop on my desk with wires everywhere, paper, remote controls, ipod, batteries.. then behind my chair is a PC with its guts hanging out(And some of the guts from the desktop downstairs) textbooks holding up a DVD drive so its level. yep. my room is amazing at the moment.

Love digsby. Its my default IM client.

@sound2man: I use firefox on my windows 7 beta.. Which is what I am using to type this... Most people who would DL win7 beta are people who probably dont use IE.

Set my computer up all at once(Install security, itunes, digsby, picasa, and other essential programs) and I am basically done... I never really get any BSOD's or the UAC? Maybe twice a week I will get one UAC message..?

Im about to uninstall dropbox. I dont use it very often, mostly for school work, but I have the office live add in for word 03 for that. And my computer takes such a long time to log on and its not even 2 months old. I want to start uninstalling some of the crap I have on boot up.

I have a 16" widescreen on my laptop. I have a portion always being used for digsby(I have it set to always be on top or whatever when docked on edge) it makes things easier. My screen isnt big enough to work with an internet and MS word open side by side, but its too big for Firefox taking the entire screen


I want to delete the bloatware on my HP laptop, but I am not entirely sure what is safe to delete and what isnt. I dont want to accidentally uninstall something and not be able to use the touch media controls on my PC or uninstall the TV Tuner driver... (Hp says they dont have the driver for it on there site, and I

@Benjammn: Has anyone gottten higher than a 2.0 for HDD? Cause I got a 2.0 for HDD.

Why not just use the PCs in store to order?

Windows Media Center does everything I need in my laptop. Very good over the air quality. Records actual new content instead of my motorola Comcast box that is set to record new programs, but records everything...

Vote: Windows Media Center

Windows 7. Cant wait for full release.

Thats pretty cool. I would consider getting it, but it will burn through my comcast bandwidth like a Humvee goes through gas. And I already use at least 20% of my Comcast bandwidth on this computer alone.

Depending on how far out you are from a town with a decent connection speed. Maybe you can run your own wire from the town to your house?

VOTE: Mcafee Firewall