
“The lead up to the 2017 Geneva Motor Show had more leaks than a Russian diplomat’s Google Calendar American presidential candidate’s Moscow hotel room.”

OR he won MVP as the best player on a team that somehow still outperformed the Heat that year (62 wins to 58.) He absolutely deserved that MVP.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

I dislike the cars that throw their backup lights in odd places. I thought they were dual purpose: Indicate your intentions and illuminating (albeit dimly) behind you

They should put as much effort making sure backup lights can be noticed, too.

Seriously. That place is like a human-nazi-centipede.

At this point, I think some of the smaller youtube outfits are much more interesting than TG. Even a certain someone with a carmax warranty who we won’t name. TG is just a pompous pageant, in which I’m learning nothing. I’d rather watch Torchinsky fall through the rotting wood frame of a hand-made Romanian car in

It’s nice to see you Flex your muscles, being the Explorer of humor, but the lack of Focus is that it Escapes me what kind of Fiesta you’re trying for here. This really Taurus apart.

Maybe they’re probing the market to see what the response would be.


But first he needs to buy Trump a Lincoln Continental Convertible to parade around in and also buy Melanoma a red dress...

Meanwhile, Pence would probably buy a Fusion S, specified from the factory with plastic wheels, no sunroof and a Jesus fish sticker on the back

Seriously, you expected something else??? They are just names being slapped on to vehicles built to hit an established market segment, nothing more.

How was this not suggested? I’ve seen it posted so many times here, and it still cracks me up every time.

The New York Times, while not infallible, is not in the realm of “fake news.”

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
