
Nope, most people aren’t paid for non work days and it’s not a salary job per se. But this article is grossly misleading, or more accurately, just simply ignorant of how shoots work. I’m loathe to defend Ellen, but (management issues aside) a union job on a shoot like this is great. You’re well paid and have tons of

Honest question: are those the time stamps of when the stories were posted? Do you believe that reviews like the are written and approved in the final couple hours before publication? I’m confused by this. I don’t find it all that novel of an observation, and to different ends in each story, so I’m a little perplexed

I don’t know. That point makes sense to me. I’m not terribly surprised. Are they handed out to every single SNL member? No. Is it terribly surprising? No. Even your argument (“Lots of SNL cast members don’t get starring roles in movies) pretty much implicitly suggests that some do. So here we are. Reading about one

She rushed out the release so there’s no physical product yet but you can buy vinyl/CDs on her website which give an immediate download too. 

I tend to enjoy Johnson as a filmmaker and have little to no interest in JJ Abrams. That said, this trilogy is horribly structured and Johnson’s movie is probably the worst film he’s ever made and did absolutely nothing to make any of this mess any better. Im a vacuums, I don’t mind it, and I agree, I’d much rather

I’d be willing to bet the reveal that Chewy is alive was added later in production because people were finding Rey unlikable for having contributed accidentally to Chewbacca’s death.

I don’t know that I agree, and granted I’m biased because I think Eileen gradually became one of the most tiresome, least well drawn characters. But she simply doesn’t have a connection, at all, to far too many characters on the show and wouldn’t work as a conduit to see the roll call at the end in the way Vincent was

I thought it was the most cringeworthy moment of the movie and absolutely cloying and obnoxious. But then again, I felt the same way about Captain Marvel in general. It felt humorless, joyless and utterly bland while simultaneously patting itself on the back in the most lunkheaded ways. One imagines the scene will

It makes perfect sense if he plans on joining a company with a collective bargaining agreement (the NFL). He does have a choice between various companies that sell a football product. He could play football in Canada for one of several teams called the Roughriders. Maybe he’d like to opt for arena football. He can! The

Math doesn’t have much to do with the overall perception of a film in terms of Oscar noms. The film has very little prestige critical buzz, the reviews are tepidly positive and even many of the “fresh” reviews (an inane clarification if ever there was one) are heavily qualified and not exactly the type of raves that

Intolerable Cruelty is garbage but Hudsucker is definitely better than True Grit or O Brother. 

The Right Stuff is such brilliant filmmaking on a level far beyond just the space race (which I am a junkie for as well). I get that some people might not like the art film 70s aspect of it, and the choice to go dark comedy at times and mythic cowboy Americana at others, but it’s what truly makes it a one in a billion

I agree it’s a great film. However, it can’t be the best space movie of all time since The Right Stuff is, no doubt, still that. Along with being one of the greatest movies ever made, space or no space. 

Actually, this one is pretty legit. Detroit style pizza, love it or hate it, is most definitely a thing and this looks like a (semi) proper rendition of it, down to the shape of the tin, presumably over charred buttery crust and the inclusion of brick cheese which is mandatory to qualify. 

OK! Sorry. 

Ouch! You definitely cut deep, my friend.

I’m not sure actually. 

WHOA HOT TAKE, you sir, really are willing to say the hard things nobody else will touch. 

Nah. I just disagree with you. I think it has a somewhat mediocre script, average if workmanlike direction and an ending that was a literal cop out on everything they teased and promised for a year and half. It was anything but shocking. I actually don’t hate Marvel movies, but I didn’t find it a particularly

While I agree with most of the people who are arguing against you, I did think they were being a bit hard on you. Until you decided Mama Mia is somehow brain-dead in comparison to a movie that mostly revolves around flying, kicking and the occasional wisecrack. Aren’t they essentially the same thing? Except dancing