
I think you mean a 'wight' not a white walker.

I find Jaimie and Cerscei much more unlikeable than the High Sparrow, whose objective seems to be a stronger association between the church and the crown and not some unholy mix of stupidity, arrogance, selfishness and spite. The High Sparrow strikes me as a true believer, perhaps not in the Gods, but at the very

Bronn and Jaimie were getting to the Blackfish. Ramsay Bolton is threatening the inhabitants of Winterfell into subservience. The only person whose story didn't match time-wise was Arya.

I just wanted to see the Gem burn.

Sure, but Richard wants Pied Piper to be the new Dropbox, which is designed to be so simple that a child could use it.

I'm sure there are multiple sects of non-catholic christianity that practice confession. Religious interpretation and practice can vary so wildly even with denominations.

I have a feeling it'll be ravaged by tech reviewers.

Is Big Heads incubator still operating? I was thinking previously that one of his incubees would blow up with a completely retarded app along the lines of the retarded NipAlert app he created. Hey, snapchat is a thing so it's possible.

Didn't Jack say that neither the people nor the product matter, merely the stock?

Oh, I see what she's talking about now.

It functions as a narrative death seeing as his character has changed so dramatically. He's gone from a man with almost no sense of morality to having a basic sense of right and wrong, and is no longer someone who kills purely for his own survival and / or sport, but for much loftier reasons i.e. vengeance.

I don't know about that, she's planning on striking up a deal with Dany, who is unstoppable at this point, so maybe the Iron Islands will come out on the better end of the upcoming war.

The Lord of Light and the old gods / tree spirits are the only theologies that seem to have been confirmed to have any legitimacy. The worship of The Seven, despite being the most popular religion, seems to be totally misguided.

Edmure is the Milhouse of this universe for sure.

He has a grandiose presence that I think could make him ill-suited to a lot of shows, but makes him absolutely perfect for something like Game of Thrones

Ian McShane absolutely crushed it in this episode. He made that character fully-dimensional to the point that you actually felt loss when he died in just one episode. This might be my favourite guest appearance of the entire series.

You can start with the second season and go back, that's when it really starts hitting hard.

There are so few good writer / directors. If a directors break-out film is based on an original screenplay that they wrote it always ends up screwing their career over, because they start to think everything they write is the tits.

I liked the Box. It was basically a film adaptation of a Twilight Zone episode and I love that shit. If M Night had made that movie they'd have called it a career renaissance / return to form.

Thanks Battybrain, for actually bringing some common sense to this discussion.