
They're a travelling company. Does it matter where they're from? They're going there eventually.

Me neither, still found this enjoyable enough as a popcorn movie though.

Agreed, it was redundant.

I think I might already hate him more than Ramsay Bolton.

Shakespeare was one of many.

It's just the official version of events. They couldn't depict Ned as the rightful heir to the throne and the Kings brother as a raving lunatic and despot who is better off dead. They have to return to Westeros at some point and they would presumably prefer to do so without the possibility of being charged with

It's two-fold, she is probably into S&M and the guy is also abusive.

I saw it coming, but they threw in enough misdirection for it to still be shocking.

His improvisational fighting style is so brutally fun that I'm glad they toned down his powers a bit. One punch kills wouldn't make for anywhere near as interesting television.

I really like that Tulip is an absolutely badass black southern chick. Somehow I could tell that wasn't how she was originally conceived.

I'm curious to see if Jessie ends up being an anti-hero or a straight up villain. On the one hand his possession by whatever it is that has possessed him seems to have granted him Purple Man powers and Jessica Jones made a very convincing argument that those kinds of powers will corrupt a person absolutely. On the

Who gets custody of Pistol and Boo?

Serves him right, cheeky dog smuggling cunt.

Agreed, the High Sparrow is the major antagonist in the kings landing storyline. Nothing interesting will happen there without him. He will survive until the end of the season.

I still don't have much sympathy for Theon, even after all he's endured.

Whatever Fred Phelps.

I agree and in the books that is exactly what they've done.

Boss was what I wanted House Of Cards to be. Am I the only one who hated House of Cards?

I think it's even better that a band named Aerosmith never existed at all!

I feel like this episode and the last one were both at least as good if not better than Hardhome which was the best Season 5 had to offer so it's a definite improvement so far.