
It might be one of the most racist movies ever made.

Acting requires emotional intelligence, not rational or any other sort. Some might call this intuitiveness as opposed to intelligence.

Right beside the supercut of all the times Lena Dunham lied about being raped.

My life sucks, why the fuck would I want to be present in something that sucks. I'd rather walk around listening to podcasts.

What did Amanda Palmer do?

We got it. You didn't have to explain it.

His show is more experimental and original than his stand-up, which is usually the opposite of what happens.

It looks like he's been cropped out of the left hand side, which is appropriate.


In a good way or a bad way? We only have one Krispy Cremes in my part of the world and it was an iconic hipster location for many years. Lines out the door of stoned 16-25 year olds of which I was shamefully one.

I agree that Rob did that, but Fischer died attempting to rescue Rob. If he'd let Rob die his company would have been fine.

Considering how dire those photos taken of him afterwards look he's made a pretty impressive recovery.

Do yourself a favour and don't read about Mark Inglis. Guy lost both legs to frost-bite, still climbed everest, walking right past a guy who was dying in the process and again suffering frost-bite and losing several fingers. Oh, and he's still climbing! How many appendages are you willing to lose to frost-bite before

Clearing the mountain of bodies, generally just means pushing them over a ledge to be swallowed up by a snow drift though, not hauling them down the mountain.

I was surprised Jake Gyllenhall accepted such a small supporting role in this considering the weight of the performances he's been giving lately and how much attention and accolades he's been getting for them.

The helicopter pilots figure briefly into the films climax and they certainly convey how dangerous it was to attempt to land a helicopter at that altitude, but they don't get much screen-time.

Well the guy lost both hands and a nose so that might be clouding his judgement of the whole ordeal.

Chumbucket unlike Max at least had some character.

As I understand it, most of the corpses are along the final ascent, so by that stage you have already committed to reaching the summit.

Hey everyone, it's Burl!