Yes. Yes she did
Yes. Yes she did
So is there no PGP drop anymore?
Should’ve said 5 minutes isn’t enough
Farts aren’t enough
Derik seems like a dick
That is just. So good. Bravo and take your star you glorious bastard
You’re fun at parties I’ll bet
Oh get fucked sideways. Even natural deaths are investigated down to the hair follicle. The state (where I am, I can’t comment to the Feds) is always looking to hang a “crooked CO” to show that it’s weeding out bad apples. If you don’t see what goes on first hand, don't act like you know
I work in law enforcement. All I can say is...
Boom. That’s it. We’re done here
Wegmans Subs are where it’s at. Expensive? Kind of. Worth it? Absolutely
+1 you dick
Oh my sweet sweet lord that’s a real knee slapper right there!
I’ll give you that, since my biggest issue with Country Joe is his plate work
I like that the bar is now “he’s definitely not the worst”. Joe West is dogshit.
Oh wow. This deserves way more stars