So is being raped
So is being raped
Thanks for your service. It must be hard to go to work and deal with society’s castoffs day in and day out from that perch way up there.
A toucher is a toucher. Serving his sentence doesn’t mean he gets to play professional baseball.
Remember the glorious time around ‘05 or ‘06 when it was just “The Barnes Firm” because Cellino was up on ethics charges? Those were the days
All I’ll say is “Alexander and Catalano” Law 13-333
Jesus H. Christ
Don’t read then?
Fuck. Don Orsillo is the man. I miss Don
This deserves ALL of the stars
Almost took that one right on the Ove-chin
You are wrong
That’s one hell of a Double Double
Bravo sir, here’s a star for you
It’s Ricky’s fault
“inappropriate electronic communications with female staff members.”
That’s right! Goddamn Pittsburgh!
I’m Chris! Yes. It is
Can’t unsee
Maybe he IS nice at ping pong
State College isn’t too bad. Minus the whole,ya know Jerry thing