
At this point “Have a good one, go around.” Is a good response to this commenter

Being approved is a blessing and a curse sometimes haha

That’s how I read it too

I’ll be 100% honest with you. I don’t see anything about her drinking anywhere in the article or video. And yeah I did read the article AND holy shit! watched the included video, thanks for asking

It sure comes across like you are case in point:

Guh!!!! It’s the “G-League” Pop-Pop! You’re so old it’s embarrassinggggg!!!!

Especially in the life span game. Great Danes have been losing to retrievers by YEARS!

I’ll be honest, I kinda want more context to this

You couldn’t have possibly twisted this anymore if you’d tried to

I get it! It’s ‘cause we’ll all be dead right?!

Dong is a wholly acceptable word for home run. Look it up

You sure they said “flag” and didn’t drop the “L”?

Such a shame!

Isn’t the “Bourbon Alliance of Responsible Dancers” BARD? Not BARE? I’m confused

Video’s gone but that’s probably for the best

Don’t come to the site then

Glorious bastard +1

Same. Forever and always #TeamTurtles

I actually googled Barry to see if he had died. Sick, sick joke that totally worked. Props