Being approved is a blessing and a curse sometimes haha
Being approved is a blessing and a curse sometimes haha
That’s how I read it too
I’ll be 100% honest with you. I don’t see anything about her drinking anywhere in the article or video. And yeah I did read the article AND holy shit! watched the included video, thanks for asking
It sure comes across like you are case in point:
Guh!!!! It’s the “G-League” Pop-Pop! You’re so old it’s embarrassinggggg!!!!
Especially in the life span game. Great Danes have been losing to retrievers by YEARS!
I’ll be honest, I kinda want more context to this
You couldn’t have possibly twisted this anymore if you’d tried to
I get it! It’s ‘cause we’ll all be dead right?!
Dong is a wholly acceptable word for home run. Look it up
You sure they said “flag” and didn’t drop the “L”?
Such a shame!
Isn’t the “Bourbon Alliance of Responsible Dancers” BARD? Not BARE? I’m confused
Video’s gone but that’s probably for the best
Don’t come to the site then
Glorious bastard +1
Same. Forever and always #TeamTurtles
I actually googled Barry to see if he had died. Sick, sick joke that totally worked. Props
Nah he was pissed when he found out the dancers were straight
Because he killed 5 Chippendales at Berkeley