The headline of this article for me is basically, “duh”. No one deserves rape. It doesn’t matter the person. Rooting for rape is always wrong. I’m a survivor of molestation and I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on anyone.
The headline of this article for me is basically, “duh”. No one deserves rape. It doesn’t matter the person. Rooting for rape is always wrong. I’m a survivor of molestation and I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on anyone.
When I was in middle school, I wasn’t allowed to have any albums that had “Parental Advisory” labels on them. Lunch at school cost $1 so I found a kid who would buy albums for me. I had to pay him $20 per CD. In the 90’s. I was stupid. I didn’t eat lunch for almost a month just so I could hear blink-182 and Reel Big…
“Distinguished Professor” fuck right the hell of with that
MyNameIsBetterThanYours is terrified that this is going to spiral out of control and we end up with a snake eating itself type situation
Hahaha +1
He said what he said
Pack it up folks. We’re done here
As a former Penn State employee, this shit is fucked up
Not worth it. Have a good one
Oh fuck right off with that, let me guess, you think 9/11 was an inside job too right?
Donovan, I thought we’d gone over how overtime works years ago
Actually besides the racism, Boston is kind of an awesome city
Been there. Done that. Projectile. That’s a real thing you know?!
He’ll get PC. Pretty much automatically
My comment was more directed at the “(they) should strike, that’ll force change” part. No it won’t. That’s just silly
This has a criminally low number of stars
Goddamn. This hit me hard. I loved The Cranberries growing up, Linger man, it was my first real girlfriend and mines’s song and it still chokes me up to this day. Shit, when it came on in Click?! Get right out of here. Tears. Donezo.