
Lol 6 speed manuel.

Tell that to Oakland/Buffalo/Cleveland/Philadelphia

Man, Bill Simmons can’t catch a break.

It's gotta be Carly Fiorina right?

Based on the amount of times he’s fallen to Djokovic, Nadal and Federer you’d think somebody was making money off of that.

that’s what he wants you to think

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.

I’d send them a farewell package but I already shipped all of my dildos up to Oregon.

You guys found something more depressing than Drew Magary’s twitter feed.

White dude

She’s the worst

That *whoosh* sound you hear right now? That's the joke sailing over your head.

Tennessee Titans.

Can you do this with players wives? Asking for a friend.

With that schedule I think it's safe to say he isn't there to play school

Those are metaphors, randilyn

The countdown to the letter to the editor about how Luke Kuechly wouldn’t do this has officially begun.

Someone is very good at reading articles.

Somewhere, a Florida land developer fondly recalls the time he tortured Mark Brunell’s bank accounts to death.

Your mother just shared me on Facebook thooooo