Maybe Khloe might actually be an attractive human being if I had brain damage....Hmmm.
Replace the word painkillers with terrorists and this country would freak out. As it is now, not a peep.
Only in Obama’s America this could happen -Glenn Beck
Lame. Serena is not attractive. Maria is. Cam Newton gets more endorsements than Andrew Luck for the same reason. Use common sense deadspin.
If someone made a sitcom about assembling an nba organization from top to bottom, the same way the kings have, you wouldn’t watch it because it would be too far fetched. This is about to get ratchet by Thanksgiving.
Yeah cause I could really see Ray “murderer” Lewis listening to her on how to get off of a block quicker. This reminds me of a 6 year old getting to call a play at a spring football game.
This guy works on Sundays but won’t smash that 10. Think about that.
“Ok, now we’re ready to go after him” -Jerry Jones
My exact reaction when Kobe got hurt...
Sounds like the scrutiny I go through dating a Latina....
So if he was Muslim he would have had to play 62 years then? Troy you were getting cut. Shut up
Not impressed, Steph Curry threw Chris Paul to the ground without even touching him.
Byron Scott is somewhere wondering what these things called "plays" are.
Jim Boeheim after meth binge?
They do need a safety, don't know why this is so shocking.
I can only imagine the lil rhyme he did with the term "icing".
Sincerely, Browns fans in 1999.....