He let his “emotions” get the best of him. Riiiiiiight! And exactly what would his “emotions” have told him to do if he would have walked up on as he has already assumed to be ”dirty niggers in my car”. We all know the answer to that.
He let his “emotions” get the best of him. Riiiiiiight! And exactly what would his “emotions” have told him to do if he would have walked up on as he has already assumed to be ”dirty niggers in my car”. We all know the answer to that.
Laura and Megyn Kelly are definitely included in the “53%” of white women tbat voted for that person now occupying the “White House”. They’ve always been the face of white supremacy and mean spirited to boot.
I love Colin Kaepernick. He can’t be bought, patronized, or silenced. Every mother should want her son to have his courage, integrity, and dignity to stand up for what you believe to be unjust behavior condoned by ignorant individuals who have proven over and over that black lives mean nothing to them. Stay strong…
Justin Timberake was never worthy enough to share the stage with Janet Jackson in the first place. The only reason he used the Prince hologram was to deflect attention from the fact that Janet should have been on thst stage too. If he was any kind of gentleman he woud have demanded it.
Your response to “God” blew my mind! You always keep it real and articulate the proven facts which most racists conveniently omit. when spewing their fantasy narrative. You and Charles Blow refuse to allow them to define us and tell us how to feel when we know good and well we’re being discarded, excluded, and…
Not necessarily. My grandson is a print model also. I’ve taken him to numerous photo shoots since he started at age 18 months and parents/chaperone are not in the dressing area with their child. I was allowed to be in area when his make up was being done. He’s 10 and still getting call backs to show handsome face. No…
Why does this keep happening? What makes a person so callous and to treat anyone in this manner? I’m literally TERRFIED everytime my 22-year old son leaves the house to drive to school and work. Somebody, Anybody, Help Us!
Beyond gorgeous. Breathtaking, classy, and elegant.