
The sound of a poison headcrab is so traumatizing, Valve noted play testers for later games would drop everything they were doing in-game just to find the bastards.

I think you’re right, as Euron is basically the only person left who can even kind of oppose her, but Dany already has two armies and three dragons, as opposed to Euron’s “whoever we could dig up from the teeny tiny Iron Islands”. Unless Euron has something magical going on (say, a dragon-binding horn or a kraken),

I have zero shame in admitting that WWW was one of my all time favourite movies as a kid and I can still watch it and recite lines from it.


Damn. Seemed to be a nice kid.
Rest in peace, dude.

What a god damn shame.

I use it to control my Wink as well. I’m most proud because I finally got it to control my apartment building’s front door buzzer - now I just say “Alexa trigger door buzzer” and I can let people in without having to interrupt what I’m doing. I’m going to be doing my lighting next.

No no no. This can’t be right! The end of days must be upon us.

I FUCKING KNEW IT! God damn! All I thought when I was riding away was...”Was that supposed to be Lom Lemoncloak?” I tried explaining to my Dad (who can barely keep up with characters as is.) He was just looked at me like

Why yes, yes it is.


With a few characters’ roads leading to Riverrun, all I want for the season finale is some Lady Stoneheart. kthxbi.


I’ve considered something similar which I think is a better option since I prefer turbos to superchargers:

The ending didn’t really leave any suggestion of a further story. Kinda curious what they’ll come up with for a plot.

tbf I could just watch that gif on a loop for 2 hours and call it an official sequel.

A homeless, 80+ year old, amputee, World War 2 vet, with PTSD!

Paying back Hulk Hogan.

And yet I couldn’t get a job with the feds because I happen to enjoy marijuana when I’m off the clock (and never, ever when on or going on).

No, I think he succeeded well in that role. He was pretty great in SnowPiercer and Push too (Although Snowpiercer ruined my world view of him. First time I’ve heard him utter the F word.)

I’m more interested in those two London streetlights that are still working...